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19 December 2019
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Radiative decays of $h_{c}$ to the light mesons $\eta^{(\prime)}$: A perturbative QCD calculation

19 Dec 2019, 16:30
9409 (9号楼)





Chao-Jie FAN


We study the radiative decays $h_{c}\rightarrow\gamma\eta^{(\prime)}$ in the framework of perturbative QCD and evaluate analytically the one-loop integrals with the light quark masses kept. Interestingly, the branching ratios $\mathcal{B}(h_{c}\rightarrow\gamma\eta^{(\prime)})$ are insensitive to both the light quark masses and the shapes of $\eta^{(\prime)}$ distribution amplitudes. And it is noticed that the contribution of the gluonic content of $\eta^{(\prime)}$ is almost equal to that of the quark-antiquark content of $\eta^{(\prime)}$ in the radiative decays $h_{c} \rightarrow \gamma\eta^{(\prime)}$. By employing the ratio $R_{h_{c}}=\mathcal{B}(h_{c}\rightarrow\gamma\eta)/\mathcal{B}(h_{c}\rightarrow\gamma\eta^{\prime})$, we extract the mixing angle $\phi=33.8^{\circ}\pm2.5^{\circ}$, which is in clear disagreement with the Feldmann-Kroll-Stech result $\phi=39.0^{\circ}\pm1.6^{\circ}$ extracted from the ratio $R_{J/\psi}$ with nonperturbative matrix elements $\langle 0\mid G^{a}_{\mu\nu}\tilde{G}^{a,\mu\nu}\mid\eta^{(\prime)}\rangle$, but in consistent with $\phi=33.5^{\circ}\pm0.9^{\circ}$ extracted from the asymptotic limit of the $\gamma^{\ast}\gamma-\eta^{\prime}$ transition form factor and $\phi=33.9^{\circ}\pm0.6^{\circ}$ extracted from $R_{J/\psi}$ in perturbative QCD. We also briefly discuss possible reasons for the difference in the determinations of the mixing angle.
Publications Phys. Rev. D100 (2019) 034005
Master Student, PhD Student or Postdoc PhD Student
Presenter Chao-Jie Fan

Primary author


俊康 何 (华中师范大学)

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