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12 September 2024 to 26 September 2025
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The 193th HENPIC seminar by Dr. Hai-Tao Li

Not scheduled




Title: Heavy flavors on the lattice

Abstract: Heavy flavors, including heavy quarks and quarkonium (quark-antiquark bound states), are produced in the early stages of the ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions due to their large mass. Since they witness the entire evolution of the collisions, we can use them to probe the hot quark-gluon-plasma medium created in the collisions. By investigating the fate of the quarkonium we can infer the temperature of the hot medium. At high temperature quarkonium might dissociate and heavy quarks will be released from the bound states. After a certain a mount of time of traveling they get thermalized. The kinetic thermalization time of heavy quarks can be characterized by the heavy quark diffusion coefficient. In this talk I will report the lattice efforts in understanding the fate of quarkonium and the diffusion of heavy quarks in the hot medium.

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