Title: The Collectivity of Heavy Mesons in pA collisions
Employing a model based on the Color Glass Condensate framework, we systematically study the azimuthal angular correlations between a heavy flavor meson and a light reference particle in proton-nucleus collisions. The obtained second harmonic coefficients (also known as the elliptic flows) for J/psi and D (including the prompt and non-prompt D) agree with recent experimental data from the LHC. We also provide predictions for the elliptic flows of the Upsilon and B meson, which can be measured in the near future at the LHC. This work can shed light on the physics origin of the collectivity phenomenon in the collisions of small systems.
This talk is based on 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.172302 (arXiv:1901.10320) and arXiv:2002.09878 in collaboration with Cheng Zhang, Cyrille Marquet, Guang-You Qin, Yu Shi, Lei Wang and Shu-Yi Wei.
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