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June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
the C305 of the main building at IHEP, CAS
Asia/Shanghai timezone

中国科学院大学,联合北京大学高能中心、北京大学核物理和核技术国家重点实验室、中科院高能物理所、高能物理前沿研究中心等国内兄弟单位,将于2021年6月27日-7月2日,在北京市中国科学院高能物理所,主办MonteCarloNet School 2021国际讲习班。

MonteCarloNet School是高能物理领域有关蒙特卡罗工具发展的高级别国际讲习班。讲习班介绍相关领域方面的进展,特别针对理论和实验方面的高年级博士生、博士后等青年学者的需要,安排了上机培训,便于青年学者入门、进一步了解、学习和掌握与其研究工作密切相关的蒙特卡罗工具的原理、方法和具体应用及其技巧。有兴趣的同行可以参考如下网页https://www.montecarlonet.org/,了解其过去的活动和典型的活动内容和方式。

由于全球疫情,本次活动将结合线下和线上的方式开展。国内参会人员要求至少健康码绿码,已经接种疫苗的更好。国际专家的系列报告将通过线上进行。上机指导部分将由线下组织者协助线上专家并行开展。本次活动的初步确定的日程、专家名单等,参见 https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/11202/program


活动工作语言为英语。由于空间和资源有限,讲习班计划接受60位国内专家参会。活动注册费为1000元,用于会议相关的费用。欢迎国内各兄弟单位,从事高能物理实验分析和从事理论研究方面(如理论模型构造、精确理论计算、蒙特卡罗工具开发、粒子物理唯象学理论研究)的博士生、博士后和青年骨干成员参加。特别欢迎在相关领域发表过论文的、有志在蒙特卡罗工具开发和发展的青年才俊报名参加。参会博士生和博士后需要网上报名并安排合作导师提供推荐信送至cenzhang@ihep.ac.cn。我们在活动开始前1个月会通知入选的参会人员,入选人员要求在Poster Session介绍自己的工作。感兴趣的老师和研究人员可直接报名参加。具体报名事项请浏览网页https://indico.ihep.ac.cn//event/11202/registration/register#/register 。











The MCnet Beijing School 2021 on Monte Carlo Event Generators (MCnet Beijing School 2021) will be hosted by the Huairou campus of UCAS, with arrival on Sunday (27/June/2021) and departure on Saturday (03/July/2021).

The school will be jointly supported by MCnet organization, the Center for Future High Energy Physics (CFHEP), the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, and UCAS.

The MCnet School is a series of schools dedicated to developing and supporting general-purpose Monte Carlo event generators throughout the LHC era and beyond, and providing training of a wide selection of its user base. More information of its past activity can be found via the weblink: www.montecarlonet.org.

Monte Carlo event generators are central to high energy particle physics. They are used by almost all experimental collaborations to design their experiments and analyze their data, and by theorists to simulate the complex final states of the fundamental interactions that may signal new physics.

The MCnet School 2021 Beijing will provide a five-day course of training in high energy physics and computing techniques used in modern Monte Carlo event generators via a series of lectures, tutorial sessions, and discussions with event-generator authors and developers. The school is aimed at advanced doctoral students, early-career postdocs, and young faculty majored in particle physics.

Our core sessions comprise a series of introductory lectures on the physics of event generators, further lectures on a wider range of associated topics, a series of hands-on tutorials using all of the MCnet event generators for LHC physics, and evening discussion sessions with Monte Carlo authors and developers.

Potential participants are supposed to be majored in high energy physics, and in priniple should have already published at least one journal paper. An interested candidate should register at


and arrange a recommendation letter from his/her supervisor, directly sent to cenzhang@ihep.ac.cn. The registration fee is 1000RMB, which is used to cover meals and lodges, etc. Due to our limited resources, the local committee will select the final participants and will inform them in due course. 

For the materials of tutorials, please link to the webpage given below



Troubleshooting page:



Tutorial repository link:



the C305 of the main building at IHEP, CAS
Lecture Hall
Yuquan Road 19B, Beijing