CEPC Physics and Detector Plenary Meeting



Zoom link: https://weidijia.zoom.com.cn/j/65398593299?pwd=ck8xVEtzS3Q4Vzc4Y3JvS3NZQXpZQT09 Meeting ID:653 9859 3299 Password:636740

CEPC Physics and Detector Plenary Meeting

Time: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 from 15:00 to 18:00 (Asia/Shanghai)

By Zoom

Attendance: Joao Guimaraes da Costa, Jianchun Wang, Gang Li, Gangyi Guo, Franco Bedeschi, Gabriella Gaudio, Hao Zeng, Harald, Huirong Qi, Jaap Velthuis, Jinyu Fu, Lingfeng Li, Manqi Ruan, Mingyi DOng, Paolo Giacomelli, Qun Ouyang, Roberto Ferrari, Sanghyun Ko, Shoulong Xu, Suen Xu, Sun Shengsen, Weidong Li, Yiming Li, Yong Liu, Zhijun Liang, Zian Zhu, Meng Wang, Zhaoru Zhang


1. Progress report on ACTS  -- by Gang Li

Gang reported the progress of ACTS application on CEPC.

1) Two designs of CEPC tracking system, baseline tracker and FST2, have implemented with DD4HEP.

2) They are working on geometry of CEPC baseline design and Kalman filter, which is expected to be done by September 3) For integration, they are trying to realize that it could work with a truth tracking or existing CEPC pattern recognition algorithm in our new CEPCSW at least by the end of this year.


Franco: Have your group interact with ACTS community?

Gang: Yes, we are part of ACTS group, developing the electronic and tracker, and CEPC is a supported project by ACTS.

Joao: On page 5, it's not clear about the substructure of the layout.

Gang: This is just a preliminary geometry design, and the details need to be further optimized.

Joao: ACTS method could interact with TKLayout to have a cross check.


2. Vertex detector optimization -- by Hao Zeng

Hao Zeng reported the progress on CEPC vertex detector optimization.

1) They have developed an optimal vertex layout (longer innermost layer + 3 double disks), which has better resolution than CDR design and full barrel design.

2) They have investigated some new disk arrangements for air cooling, perhaps providing new choice for vertex air cooling. •

3) Beam pipe radius and beam pipe material have been studied, smaller beam pipe radius  might cancel material effect.

4) For next step, they will continue investigating new arrangements, cross checking with fast simulation tool and working on full simulation validation of optimal design


3. Dual Readout Calorimeter Prototype Update -- by Gabriella Gaudio

Gabriella Gaudio introduced the progress of Dual Readout Calorimeter Prototype.

1) They have started the construction and give some preliminary qualification test result.

2) They finished the design of mechanic and fiber connection to PMTs, and most of the materials are prepared.

3) They are developing a design of a new concept for a true scalable module.


4. µRWELL     R&D plans for IDEA -- by Paolo

Paolo introduced µRWELL R&D plans from now to 2024. He welcome new effort from China to join in this project.

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