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29 October 2020 to 3 November 2020
Asia/Shanghai timezone

SCET factorization for the radiative leptonic B-meson decays

1 Nov 2020, 06:00
45161188005 (腾讯会议)




Dr Yan-Bing Wei


The radiative leptonic B-meson decays are extremely important to the study of the exclusive B-meson decays. I will concentrate on the factorization properties of the radiative leptonic B decay with an energetic photon in the final states. Employing the method of regions, we can derive the factorization formula of the decay form factors at the leading power. The factorization formula could be proved to be valid to all orders in QCD with the help of the soft collinear effective theory (SCET). The SCET also provides an elegant approach to obtain the evolution behavior of the factorization formula. In the framework of the SCET, we can further study systematically the factorization properties of the radiative leptonic B decay beyond the leading power.

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