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29 October 2020 to 3 November 2020
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The pion-photon transition form factor at two loops in QCD

2 Nov 2020, 06:00
45161188005 (腾讯会议)




Dr Yao Ji


In this talk, I will report on our recent fully analytic calculation of the leading-power contribution to the photon-pion transition form factor at two loops in QCD. The applied techniques rely on hard-collinear factorization, together with modern multi-loop methods. I will focus both on the technical details, such as the treatment of evanescent operators, and the phenomenological implications. Our results indicate that the two-loop correction is numerically comparable to the one-loop effect in the same kinematic domain. I will also demonstrate that our results will play a key role in disentangling various models for the twist-two pion distribution amplitude thanks to the envisaged precision at future experimental facilities.

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