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Apr 14 – 17, 2021
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The Joint Workshop of the CEPC Physics, Software and New Detector Concept will take place on April 14-17, 2021 in Yangzhou, China (the registration starts from the afternoon of April 13th). The workshop is co-sponsored by Yangzhou University, Nanjing Normal University and IHEP. 

The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) aims at a future Large Scale Collider facility. Installed in a 100 km tunnel, the CEPC could produce 1 Million Higgs bosons, 100 Million W bosons, and nearly 1 trillion Z bosons in 10 years' operation. The prior physics motivation of CEPC is to serve as a precise Higgs factory, meanwhile, it also has a huge physics potential in the EW, QCD, Flavor physics and new physics hunting.

The purpose of the workshop is to further understand the physics potential at CEPC as well as the requirements on the detector. The physics discussions during the workshop will be dedicated to a CEPC physics white paper. The goal for the detector discussions are to plan for an innovative detector design for the CEPC, beyond those described in the CDR, and that will utilize new detector technologies and concepts.

We are looking forward to your active participation and expect to meet you in Yangzhou during “烟花三月".

(身负千万卷,骑鹤下扬州; 细雨贻春芬,前方论高能。)


ZOOM Meeting

一、April 14, 2021 Morning Plenary meeting

Topic 主题: CEPC物理和探测器研讨会(Physics & Detector)

Meeting ID 会议号: 67241234647

Meeting URL 会议链接: https://weidijia.zoom.com.cn/j/67241234647?pwd=Y3hnRG5DMk85OUJUdUlXY2JqOHF5dz09

Password 会议密码: 732446

April 14, 2021 Afternoon parallel meeting

Parallel 1

Topic 主题: CEPC探测器研讨会(Detector)

Meeting ID 会议号: 68980478518

Meeting URL 会议链接: https://weidijia.zoom.com.cn/j/68980478518?pwd=YjdVbTRzcDAyR3JYNktwVWRNMDB2dz09

Password 会议密码: 913889

Parallel 2

Topic 主题: CEPC物理研讨会(Physics)

Meeting ID 会议号: 62324452075

Meeting URL 会议链接: https://weidijia.zoom.com.cn/j/62324452075?pwd=WnZzWlhYZ2xkdFE0cW5QdHlTNmhodz09

Password 会议密码: 899139

二、April 15, 2021 parallel meeting

Parallel 1

Topic 主题: CEPC物理研讨会(Physics)

Meeting ID 会议号: 66135748304

Meeting URL 会议链接:: https://weidijia.zoom.com.cn/j/66135748304?pwd=YXpRRjdwOEkrNkJRYmM4VkpNeDRxZz09

Password 会议密码: 143788

Parallel 2

Topic 主题: CEPC探测器研讨会(Detector)

Meeting ID 会议号: 68374054603

Meeting URL 会议链接:: https://weidijia.zoom.com.cn/j/68374054603?pwd=V3REZDZyVHRlYklIYlhFc2kycjVxUT09

Password 会议密码: 276554

三、April 16, 2021 parallel meeting

Parallel 1

Topic 主题: CEPC物理研讨会(Physics)

Meeting ID 会议号: 62781930983

Meeting URL 会议链接:: https://weidijia.zoom.com.cn/j/62781930983?pwd=TlJXTjVZRUppcndmS3M2eUxpVmJ0UT09

Password 会议密码: 354997

Parallel 2

Topic 主题: CEPC探测器研讨会(Detector)

Meeting ID 会议号: 62375065708

Meeting URL 会议链接:: https://weidijia.zoom.com.cn/j/62375065708?pwd=Zmt1TXVUS2RqQUdRZ0JMVFFvcko5QT09

Password 会议密码: 923421

Parallel 3

Topic 主题: Young Scientist Forum

Meeting ID 会议号: 64721472690

Meeting URL 会议链接:: https://weidijia.zoom.com.cn/j/64721472690?pwd=Z0hvQ0N0SGE0RlNRb0Y5V0hGR1lidz09

Password 会议密码: 334751

四、April 17, 2021 Morning Plenary meeting

Topic 主题: CEPC物理和探测器研讨会(Physics & Detector)

Meeting ID 会议号: 65220583747

Meeting URL 会议链接:: https://weidijia.zoom.com.cn/j/65220583747?pwd=OUVRblFsU1hjS05XWXhCWjI3RFhFQT09

Password 会议密码: 982361

Chunhui Building, Yangzhou Convention Center, No.1 Qilidian Road,Hanjiang District (扬州市邗江区七里甸路1号扬州会议中心春晖楼)


Accodring to the local COVID-19 prevention regulations, please pay attention that Sukang Code(苏康码绿码) is needed when you arrive in Yangzhou. You can search Sufuban(苏服办) in We Chat and fill in the application in advance.