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27–31 Aug 2021
南京大学(鼓楼校区)线上会议 Nanjing University (Gulou Campus) at ZOOM
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Probing the B+L violation process with the observation of cosmic magnetic field

29 Aug 2021, 11:20
南京大学(鼓楼校区)线上会议 Nanjing University (Gulou Campus) at ZOOM

南京大学(鼓楼校区)线上会议 Nanjing University (Gulou Campus) at ZOOM


Prof. Ligong Bian (Chongqing University)


We numerically investigate the B+L violation process by performing three-dimensional lattice simulations of a unified scenario of first-order phase transitions and the sphaleron generation. The simulation results indicate that the Chern-Simons number changes along with the helical magnetic field production when the sphaleron decay occurs. Based on these numerical results, we then propose a novel method to probe the baryon asymmetry generation of the Universe, which is a general consequence of the electroweak sphaleron process, through the astronomical observation of corresponding helical magnetic fields.

Primary author

Prof. Ligong Bian (Chongqing University)

Presentation materials