BSM Higgs sector
- Jian Wang (Shandong University)
- Li Yuan (Beihang University)
- Lei Wu (Nanjing Normal University)
- 数(Shu) 李(Li) (TDLI, SJTU)
Lailin Xu
(University of Science and Technology of China)
30/08/2021, 10:00
瀚非 叶
(Nanjing University)
30/08/2021, 10:50
This talk will cover the latest result of searching for heavy Higgs decaying to two tau leptons with the ATLAS full Run2 datasets using pp collison at $\sqrt(s)$ = 13 TeV. This search is performed over the mass range of 0.2-2.5 TeV and the two $\tau$ leptons decay is considered, where at least one $\tau$ decays leptonically. This channel is sensitive at high $\tan\beta$ value acoording to...
hanlin Xu
(University of Science and Technology of China)
30/08/2021, 11:10
A search for charged Higgs bosons decaying into $W^{\pm} W{^\pm}$ or $W^{\pm} Z$ bosons is performed,
involving experimental signatures with two leptons of the same charge, or three or four leptons with a variety of charge combinations, missing transverse momentum and jets.
A data sample of proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at...
Igor Ivanov
(SYSU, School of Physics and Astronomy)
30/08/2021, 11:30
New Physics can manifest itself at colliders in the form of a non-minimal Higgs sector. In particular, the Higgs doublets can also come in generations leading to rich phenomenology. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of the three-Higgs-doublet models (3HDM) focusing on novel model-building opportunities, which go beyond the well studied 2HDM case. I will highlight some recent results...
Qiang Li
(School of physics, Peking University)
30/08/2021, 11:50
Highly Lorentz-boosted scalar particles (Higgs or Radion) decaying to bb or WW->4q can be reconstructed as single large-radius jets, and identified using jet substructure and deep neural networks. The techniques can be exploited for both the SM Higgs measurement and New Physics Searches. Two recent applications at the CMS experiments will be covered in this talk, including, 1) a search for...
Yulei Zhang
(Shanghai Jiaotong University)
30/08/2021, 14:30
In contrast to the standard model particles, long-lived particles(LLPs) decay with a significant distance from the primary vertex. We present a novel LLPs search strategy based on machine learning (ML) and image recognition techniques utilizing detector information from future lepton colliders.
Zhongyukun XU
(Shandong university)
30/08/2021, 14:50
A search for a vector boson produced in addition to two SM Higgs bosons is studied. Three different models are considered either non-resonant production with SM-like or non-SM-like Higgs self-coupling and hhVV coupling, or resonant production in the form of either VH(hh) or A→ZH(hh). Three sub-channel is considered for different decay mode for vector boson to Zll/Wlv/Zvv final states. Only...
Chengcheng Han
(Sun Yat-sen University)
30/08/2021, 15:30
I will present a simple extension of the Standard model to explain the origin of inflation, baryon asymmetry and neutrino masses at the same time.
Xiaoping Wang
(Beihang University)
30/08/2021, 15:50
Null results from searches for new physics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) enforce the belief that new particles must be much heavier than the weak scale. We undertake a systematic study of the interplay between Higgs alignment and CP-violation in complex two-Higgs-doublet models (C2HDMs), which enables us to construct a CP-violating scenario where new Higgs bosons are close to the weak...
Nicola Orlando
(Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology)
30/08/2021, 16:10