A novel spectral sum rule of thermal QCD (in session "Parallel Session A")
Accessing topological fluctuations of gauge fields with the chiral magnetic effect (in session "Plenary Session")
Analysis of the critical fluctuations in the light-nuclei production (in session "Parallel Session A")
Anomalous transport coefficients from lattice QCD (in session "Plenary Session")
Anomalous transport in low dimensions (in session "Plenary Session")
Applications of quantum kinetic theory to spin polarization, spin hydrodynamics and spin alignment (in session "Plenary Session")
Berry monopole and topogical aspect of one-flavor color superconductor (in session "Plenary Session")
Beyond mean field study of QCD phase transitions under external magnetic field (in session "Plenary Session")
Casimir effect in kinetic theory (in session "Plenary Session")
Chiral and deconfinement phase transition under rotation in the Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model (in session "Parallel Session A")
Chiral condensate with the effect of rotation and acceleration (in session "Parallel Session B")
Chiral magnetic effect in heavy ion collisions and beyond (in session "Plenary Session")
Chiral Magnetovortical Instability and Dynamo (in session "Parallel Session A")
Chiral phase transition, thermalization, and prethermalization in the soft-wall AdS/QCD model (in session "Parallel Session A")
Closing the gap between functional QCD methods and experimental measurements (in session "Parallel Session A")
CME AuAu results and nonflow issues (in session "Plenary Session")
Development of 3+1D glasma simulation in Milne coordinates and its application to central and non-central collisions (in session "Parallel Session A")
Directed flow of charm and light flavor with initial vorticity in non-central Au+Au collisions at sNN = 200 GeV from a multiphase transport model (in session "Parallel Session B")
Discussion on CME search (in session "Plenary Session")
Discussion on spin polarization and spin alignment (in session "Plenary Session")
Drag force and heavy quark potential in a rotating background (in session "Parallel Session A")
Effects of the first-order chiral phase transition (in session "Parallel Session A")
Electromagentic probes in magnetized hot QCD plasma (in session "Parallel Session B")
Electromagnetic effects in thermal QCD (in session "Plenary Session")
Electromagnetic fields from the extended Kharzeev-McLerran-Warringa model in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (in session "Parallel Session B")
Exact form of the spin polarization at global thermodynamic equilibrium (in session "Plenary Session")
Experimental findings on the simplest QCD topology from BES-I and Isobar data (in session "Plenary Session")
Fluctuations of topological charges and the photon from Chiral Magnetic Effect in early stage of RHIC (in session "Parallel Session B")
Form Factors and Chiral Kinetic Theory (in session "Parallel Session A")
Generalized Chiral Kinetic Equations (in session "Plenary Session")
Gravitational waves and primordial black holes from chirality imbalanced QCD first-order phase transition with P and CP violation (in session "Parallel Session B")
Gyrohydrodynamics under strong vorticity (in session "Plenary Session")
Heavy quark observables in magnetized medium (in session "Parallel Session B")
Helicity polarization and vorticity contribution to the spin alignment in hydrodynamic approaches (in session "Parallel Session A")
Holographic QCD versus QCD diagram (in session "Parallel Session A")
Holographic spin alignment of J/Ψ in anisotropic plasma (in session "Parallel Session A")
Hot QCD on Rotating Lattice with Staggered Fermions (in session "Parallel Session B")
How does Bayesian analysis infer the nucleon distributions in isobar collisions? (in session "Parallel Session B")
Impact of globally spin-aligned vector mesons on the search for the chiral magnetic effect in heavy-ion collisions (in session "Parallel Session B")
Impact of nuclear structure on the chiral magnetic effect in isobaric collisions (in session "Parallel Session B")
Impact of nuclear structure on the CME background in Ru + Ru and Zr + Zr collisions at √sNN = 7.7∼ 200 GeV from a multiphase transport model (in session "Parallel Session B")
Improving the ZPC parton cascade with an exact solution of the relativistic Boltzmann equation +EM+vorticity (in session "Plenary Session")
In-medium form factors and spin polarizations (in session "Plenary Session")
Instabilities in chiral plasma (in session "Plenary Session")
Lessons from isobar collisions and event shape selections for CME searches with RHIC BES data (in session "Plenary Session")
LHC results for CME/CMW (in session "Plenary Session")
Local spin polarization (in session "Plenary Session")
Macroscopic transports in a rotational system with an electromagnetic field (in session "Plenary Session")
Mass spectra of neutral mesons K0, π0, η, η′ at finite magnetic field, temperature and quark chemical potential (in session "Parallel Session B")
Mass splitting and spin alignment for ϕ mesons in a magnetic field in NJL model (in session "Parallel Session B")
Measurements of Global and Local Polarization of Hyperons in 200 GeV Isobar Collisions from STAR (in session "Parallel Session A")
Measurements of magnetic fields and nuclear charge distribution in heavy ion collisions with Breit-Wheeler process (in session "Parallel Session B")
Measuring temperature with thermaldielectrons Au+Au collisions at sNN = 27 and 54.4 GeV at STAR (in session "Parallel Session B")
N-particle irreducible actions for stochastic fluids (in session "Parallel Session A")
Negative moment of inertia and rotational instability of gluon plasma (in session "Parallel Session A")
Non-linear chiral magnetic waves (in session "Plenary Session")
Nonlinear Chiral Kinetic Theory (in session "Plenary Session")
Off diagonal elements of the spin density matrix of vector mesons in heavy ion collisions (in session "Plenary Session")
Opening (in session "Plenary Session")
Phenomenological study of anomalous chiral effects in heavy-ion collisions (in session "Plenary Session")
Photon polarization in the vorticity and magnetic field (in session "Parallel Session A")
Photon radiation by rotating fermions in magnetic field (in session "Plenary Session")
Photoproduction of e+e− in peripheral isobar collisions (in session "Parallel Session B")
Polarization of Lambda hyperons in heavy ion collisions: longitudinal tilted bulk medium, velocity field and its correlation with directed flow (in session "Parallel Session B")
Presentations for holding Chirality 2024/2025 (in session "Plenary Session")
Probing novel baryonic Spin Hall Effect via measurement of local spin polarization of Λ hyperons in STAR Beam Energy Scan (in session "Parallel Session A")
Quantum kinetic theory with QED-type collisions and collisional corrections to spin polarization (in session "Parallel Session A")
Quantum transport theory with vector interaction (in session "Parallel Session A")
Relativistic second-order spin hydrodynamics from entropy production principle (in session "Plenary Session")
Relativistic spin dynamics for vector mesons (in session "Plenary Session")
Rotation-induced perturbative realization of nonperturbative QCD phenomena (in session "Plenary Session")
Search for Chiral Magnetic Effect using upgraded AMPT model in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV (in session "Parallel Session B")
Search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect with Forced Match of Multiplicity and Elliptic Flow in Isobar Collisions at STAR (in session "Parallel Session B")
Search for the Chiral Magnetic Wave in Heavy-ion Collisions (in session "Parallel Session B")
Sound of rigidly moving fluids: on linear waves in inhomogeneous equilibrium configurations (in session "Parallel Session A")
Spectra and flow of magnetized lepton pairs (in session "Parallel Session B")
Spin Alignment Formula for Vector Bosons at Local Equilibrium (in session "Parallel Session A")
Spin alignment of vector mesons from quark dynamics in a rotating medium (in session "Parallel Session A")
Spin alignment STAR measurements (in session "Plenary Session")
Spin Hydrodynamics (in session "Plenary Session")
Spin hydrodynamics: analytic solutions, entropy principle, and stability analysis (in session "Parallel Session A")
Spin kinetic theory (in session "Plenary Session")
Spin Polarization and Anomalous Magnetic Moment in a (2 + 1)-flavor NJL model in the magnetized background (in session "Plenary Session")
Spin polarization and thermal shear effect (in session "Plenary Session")
Spin polarization in Wigner function approach (in session "Plenary Session")
Spin polarization under gravity from Schwinger-Keldysh formalism (in session "Parallel Session A")
Spin transport with nonlocal collisions (in session "Plenary Session")
Tensor Polarization and Spectral Properties of Vector Meson in QCD Medium (in session "Plenary Session")
The butterfly effect in a holographic chiral system (in session "Parallel Session B")
The competition between chiral density wave and two-flavor LOFF phase of color superconductivity in the NJL model (in session "Parallel Session B")
The direct photon puzzle and the weak magnetic photon emission (in session "Parallel Session B")
The most spinning baryonic matter (in session "Plenary Session")
The quark-meson model under an extra magnetic field at zero temperature (in session "Parallel Session B")
Transient effects of charge diffusion in relativistic resistive magnetohydrodynamics (in session "Parallel Session B")
Two-point functions from chiral kinetic theory in magnetized plasma (in session "Parallel Session B")
Using directed flow splitting as a probe for EM field (in session "Plenary Session")
Vector meson polarization measurements in pp and PbPb collisions with ALICE at the LHC (in session "Parallel Session A")
Viscous hydrodynamics with angular momentum (in session "Plenary Session")
What can we learn from hydro for hadron? (in session "Parallel Session A")
Λ/¯Λ Polarization and Splitting Induced by Rotation and Magnetic Field (in session "Plenary Session")
Include materials from selected contributions