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Long-lived neutral scalar searches at FASER

9 Aug 2022, 16:55
Oral report TeV物理和超出标准模型新物理 Parallel Session II (1):TeV and BSM Physics


Dr Wei Su (KIAS)


The ForwArd Search ExpeRiment (FASER), is a recently proposed experiment at the LHC that can detect light, long-lived particles. In this work we study the prospect of detecting light CP-even and CP-odd scalars at the FASER. We develop the general formalism for the scalar production and decay from mesons at LHC, given modified couplings of the scalars to the SM particles, as well as summarizing the relevant GeV-scale experiment constraints. We then analyze the light scalars in the large $\tan\beta$ region of the Type-I 2HDM, in which a light scalar with relatively long life time could be accommodated.

Primary author

Dr Wei Su (KIAS)


Dr Shuailong Li (U of Arizona) Prof. Shufang Su (University of Arizona) Prof. Tao Han (Univ. of Pittsburgh & TsingHua University) Yongcheng Wu (Carleton University)

Presentation materials