Parallel Session VI (1):TeV and BSM Physics
- UNKNOWN 岩斌 ()
Observations of Vector Boson Scattering processes (VBS) are one of the major achievements of EWSB and Higgs unitarization mechanism studies at LHC Run2. This talk will bring the latest news from LHC in VBS observations and highly evident measurements, as well as the bridge to new physics portal utilizing such scattering final states.
在过去二十年里,现代散射振幅理论发展了许多新的方法,在计算和理解量子场论中与散射过程相关的可观测量方面也得到了许多新的结果,它们为许多高能物理现象提供了更为精确的理论预言与解释。而近些年,起源于上个世纪S-matrix program思想的自举(bootstrap)方法,在计算场论中的物理量方面有一些重要的进展。要计算量子场论中的物理量,往往需要大量极其繁琐的中间步骤,而最终结果有时是极其简单的。因此,自举方法的主要思想,便是通过合适地假设具有一般形式的结果,再利用一些已知的物理约束,直接限定得到最终结果,从而省去了不必要的中间过程。除此之外,不同理论往往满足一些普适的物理约束,这能用于解释不同理论结果之间的唯一性,例如最大超越度原理。这一原理是指,在最大超对称杨-米尔斯理论(N=4...
The first observation of the electroweak (EW) production of a Z boson, a photon, and two forward jets (Z$\gamma$jj) in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV is presented. A data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb$^{-1}$, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016-2018 is used. The measured fiducial cross section for EW Z$\gamma$jj is...
Energy Correlators (EEC) have recently received great interest both theoretically and experimentally. In particular, the study of EECs in jet substructure has gained deeper understanding with the advent of the light-ray operator product expansion. In this talk, based on this progress, we propose a ratio observable named “celestial non-gaussianity”, which roughly is the ratio between...