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Two tales of X-ray QPEs and the discovery of a Compton echo in TDE

17 Jun 2022, 16:25


舒新文 (Anhui Normal University)


X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions (QPEs) are a recently discovered phenomenon associated with supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies. They are high-amplitude soft X-ray flares that recur on timescales of hours, but what causes these flares remains uncertain. In this talk, I will review the history in discovering the QPE phenomenon and its possible origins, especially the difference between QPEs claimed in literature. In addition, I will report the discovery of a long-lasting Compton echo in a TDE candidate, which allows for constraining the distribution and physical conditions of circumnuclear gas, such as those in torus.
Topic 活动星系核与超大质量黑洞

Primary author

舒新文 (Anhui Normal University)

Presentation materials