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KHz QPOs & millisecond X-ray pulsars in LMXBs

16 Jun 2022, 14:00




The kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) and spin frequwncies have been found in neutron stars low mass X-ray binaries (NS-LMXBs), which present the millisecond timing phenomena close to the surface of the compact objects. We summarize the following contents: (1). The correlations and distributions of twin kHz QPOs; (2). The relations of high-low frequency QPOs; (3). The QPO properties of NS Atoll and Z sources; (4). Relations between NS spins and QPOs; (5). The mechanisms of kHz QPOs; (6). The implications of kHZ QPOs, e.g., NS mass and radius, disk thickness and magnetic field of Atoll and Z source.
Topic X射线双星

Primary author



Prof. DeHua WANG (Guizhou Normal Unv)

Presentation materials