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22–24 Aug 2022
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Nonperturbative Determination of Collins-Soper Kernel from Quasi Transverse-Momentum Dependent Wave Functions

23 Aug 2022, 11:55




旻寰 楚 (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)


In the framework of large-momentum effective theory at one-loop matching accuracy, we perform a lattice calculation of the Collins-Soper kernel which governs the rapidity evolution of transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) distributions. We first obtain
the quasi TMD wave functions at three different meson momenta
on a lattice with valence clover quarks on a dynamical HISQ sea
and lattice spacing $a=0.12$fm from MILC, and renormalize the pertinent linear divergences using Wilson loops. Through one-loop matching to the light-cone wave functions, we determine the Collins-Soper kernel with transverse separation up to 0.6fm. We study the systematic uncertainties from operator mixing and scale dependence, as well as the impact from higher power corrections. Our results potentially allow for a determination of the soft function and other transverse-momentum dependent quantities at one-loop accuracy.

Primary author

旻寰 楚 (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Presentation materials