We suggest a novel single-scale setting approach under the principal of maximum conformality (PMC) for eliminating the conventional renormalization scheme-and-scale ambiguities following the idea of intrinsic conformality. It has been shown that the intrinsic conformality ensures the scale-invariance at each order, and vice versa. We call this newly suggested single-scale method as the PMC$_\infty$-s approach, in which an overall effective strong coupling constant, and hence an overall effective scale, is achieved by using all the known type of RG-involved non-conformal terms. Its resultant conformal series is scale-invariant and satisfies all the RG requirements. We also demonstrate that it is equivalent to the previously suggested PMC single-scale setting approach (PMCs), which further indicates that all the correctly RG-involved single-scale setting approaches are in fast the same. Finally, by using the Higgs decays to two gluons up to five-loop level as an explicit example, we show how the PMC$_\infty$-s works. The method is applicable to any perturbatively calculable physical quantities.