1. Observations of AGN: 2 lectures
(1) Basic observations, definition of AGNs
(2) Discovering AGNs
(3) AGN samples -
2. Black holes and accretion physics: 4 lectures
(1) Black holes: general properties
(2) Spherical accretion
(3) Accretion disks
(4) Radiation Inefficient Accretion Flaws (RIAFs) -
3. Physical processes in AGN gas and dust: 4 lectures
(1) The physics of ionized gas
(2) The motion of ionized gas
(3) Thermal and non-thermal processes in AGN gas
(4) AGN dust -
4. Main components of AGN: 4-5 lectures
(1) The BLR and the NLR
(2) Measuring BH mass part 1: Reverberation mapping
(3) Highly ionized gas
(4) Broad and narrow absorption lines + outflows
(5) Central obscuration, torus and MIR emission
(6) The central disk (SED+ X-ray emission) -
5. The AGN family: 5 lectures
(1) Type-I and type-II AGN
(2) Radio loud and radio-quiet AGN
(3) Low luminosity AGN and LINERs
(4) Unification schemes -
6. AGN and their hosts: 5-6 lectures
(1) low-z: AGN+host
(2) high-z AGN+host
(3) SF galaxies
(4) SF in AGN hosts
(5) Nuclear star clusters
(6) Measuring BH mass part 2: Comparison with Sigma* and bulge mass
(7) Scaling relationships -
7. Galaxy formation and evolution - highlights: 5 lectures
(1) Structure formation
(2) Assembly and properties DM halos
(3) Hot and cold gas accretion
(4) Star formation and feedback
(5) Galaxy mergers and secular evolution
(6) Bimodality and the formation of different types of galaxies
(7) Cosmic SF history and evolution of galaxy LF and MF -
8. BH formation and BH mergers: 3 lectures
(1) Pop III stars and remnant BHs (light seeds)
(2) Direct collapse (heavy seeds)
(3) Star clusters, stellar processes (heavy seeds)
(4) BH mergers, binary BHs, gravitational radiation, kicks
(5) Origin of SMBH spin -
9. Cosmic evolution of SMBHs: 4-5 lectures
(1) Soltan arguments and the continuity equation
(2) Soltan arguments and the continuity equation
(3) The LF of AGN
(4) The MF of AGN
(5) Co-evolution of AGN and their hosts in galaxy formation models (including SMBH growth, AGN
feedback and SB-AGN connection)
(6) The AGN-SB connection - observations
(7) Observational evidences for AGN feedback
(8) AGN and host Metallicity -
10. Future observations of AGN: 2 lectures