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28 May 2023 to 2 June 2023
Tianfu Cosmic Ray Research Centre
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The Radio Knots within SNR Cassiopeia A and Turbulence around Geminga TeV halo

Not scheduled
Tianfu Cosmic Ray Research Centre

Tianfu Cosmic Ray Research Centre

No. 1500 Kezhi Road, Tianfu New Area, Chengdu, Chin


Dr Xianhuan Lei (National Astronomical Observatory)


The study on the dynamic evolution of young supernova remnants (SNRs) is an important way to understand the density structure of the progenitor’s circumstellar medium. We have reported the acceleration or deceleration,
proper motion, and brightness changes of 260 compact radio features in the second-youngest known SNR Cas A at 5 GHz based on the Very Large Array data of five epochs from 1987 to 2004. The radio expansion center is located
at α(1950) = 23h21m9 7 ± 0 29, δ(1950) = +58°32′25 2 ± 2 2. Three-quarters of the compact knots aredecelerating; this suggests that there are significant density fluctuations in the stellar winds of the remnant’s progenitor. We have verified that the acceleration or deceleration of compact knots is not related with the distribution of brightness. The brightening, fading, disappearing, or new appearing of compact radio features in Cas A suggests that the magnetic field in the remnant is changing rapidly.

Primary author

Dr Xianhuan Lei (National Astronomical Observatory)

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