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28 May 2023 to 2 June 2023
Tianfu Cosmic Ray Research Centre
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic-Ray Outburst from GRB 221009A

Not scheduled
Tianfu Cosmic Ray Research Centre

Tianfu Cosmic Ray Research Centre

No. 1500 Kezhi Road, Tianfu New Area, Chengdu, Chin


Hao-Ning He (Purple Mountain Observatory,)


We study accelerations, energy loss and the escape of cosmic rays in GRB 221009A, and suggest that GRB 221009A is an ultra-high-energy(UHE) cosmic ray source with ability of accelerating protons to $> 10^{20}$ eV. It is difficult for UHE protons to escape from the source and the host galaxy, while neutrons at the energies of tens of EeV, produced in the process of $p+\gamma \rightarrow n+\pi^{+}$, are able to escape from the source as well as the host galaxy without suffering from the serious magnetic field deflection and then decay into protons in the inter-galactic space. After entering the Milky Way, protons will be deflected by the Galactic magnetic field, and will arrive at Earth with a time delay. We make predictions on the possible future observation on the UHECRs from GRB 221009A by cosmic ray detectors, such as PAO, TA$\times$4 and GRAND.

Primary authors

Dr Bing Theodore Zhang (YITP) Hao-Ning He (Purple Mountain Observatory,) Dr Yi-Zhong Fan (PMO)

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