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23–27 Oct 2023
CCNU, Wuhan, China
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Scientific Program

  • Particle detection technology (2 lectures)

    Lecturer: Prof. Jianbei Liu (USTC)

  • Software of offline data processing (2 lectures)

    Lecturer: Prof. Xingtao Huang (SDU)

  • Experiments of dark matter and neutrino (2 lectures)

    Lecturer: Prof. Jianglai Liu (SJTU)

  • Hard probes of nuclear matter (3 lectures)

    1. Jet: Prof. Yaxian Mao (CCNU)
    2. Anomalous chiral effects: Prof. Qiye Shou (Fudan Univ.)
    3. Heavy quarks: Prof. Xiaoming Zhang (CCNU)
  • Heavy flavor physics (2 lectures)

    Lecturer: Prof. Zhenwei Yang (PKU)

  • QCD phase diagram and beam energy scan (3 lectures)

    Lecturer: Determined.

  • High luminosity frontier experiments (2 lectures)

    Lecturer: Prof. Huaqiao Zhang (IHEP)

  • Spin and hyperon polarization (2 lectures)

    Lecturer: Prof. Qinghua Xu (SDU)