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Modular Grand Unification Theories

10 Apr 2024, 14:00


Gui-Jun Ding (University of Science and Technology of China)


Flavor symmetry and grand unified symmetry are powerful tools to address the flavor structure of quarks and leptons. It is appealing to combine flavor symmetry with grand unification theories. In modular flavor symmetry, the flavons are replaced by modular forms and thus the resulting models are very economic and predictive. In this talk, I shall discuss the grand unification theories with modular flavor symmetry, the predictions for the fermion masses and flavor mixing and the correlation with the baryon asymmetry of the Universe will be presented.

Primary author

Gui-Jun Ding (University of Science and Technology of China)


Dr Peng Chen (Ocean University of China) Prof. Stephen King (University of Southampto) Dr Chang-Yuan Yao (Nankai University) Dr Jun-Nan Lu (University of Science and Technology of China) Mr Bu-Yao Qu (University of Science and Technology of China)

Presentation materials