刘 昊昱
(Beijing Normal University)
We demonstrate the recently proposed nucleon energy-energy correlator (NEEC) fEEC (x, θ) can unveil the gluon saturation in the small-x regime in eA collisions. The novelty of this probe is that it is fully inclusive just like the deep-inelastic scattering (DIS), with no requirements of jets or hadrons but still provides an evident portal to the small-x dynamics through the shape of the θ-distribution. We find that the saturation prediction is significantly diferent from the expectation of the collinear factorization.
Primary authors
Feng Yuan
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
HuaXing Zhu
(Zhejiang University)
Xiaohui Liu
(Beijing Normal University)
刘 昊昱
(Beijing Normal University)
Ji-Chen Pan