In this talk I will review our recent efforts to understand the polarized Transverse-Momentum-Dependent fragmentaion functions (TMD FFs) . Recent BELLE results on $\Lambda/\bar\Lambda$ polarization in $e^+e^-$-annihilations stimulate a series of progress from several groups to understand the polarized TMD FF $D_{1T}^\perp$. Based on the fundamental isospin symmetry of QCD, we propose a new parametrization and apply it into $e^+e^-$-annihilation, semi-inclusive DIS and also hadron/nucleus collisions. The isospin symmetry and further flavor structures of $D_{1T}^\perp $ is thoroughly investigated, and several predictions for observables in current and future facilities are presented. We further study the weak decay contributions to the parity-violating TMD FFs, which cause several non-negligible effects.