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Xe134 2𝜈𝛽𝛽/0𝜈𝛽𝛽 Search in PandaX-4T Experiment

Not scheduled
Poster 中微子物理、粒子天体物理与宇宙学


颜 玺雨 (Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University)


$^{134}$Xe is a candidate isotope for neutrinoless double beta decay~($0\nu\beta\beta$) search. In addition, the two-neutrino case ($2\nu\beta\beta$) allowed by the standard model of particle physics has not yet been observed.With the 656-kg natural xenon in the fiducial volume of the PandaX-4T detector, which contains 10.4\% of $^{134}$Xe, and its initial 94.9-day exposure, we have established the most stringent constraints on $2\nu\beta\beta$ and $0\nu\beta\beta$ of $^{134}$Xe half-lives, with limits of $2.8\times10^{22}$~yr and $3.0\times10^{23}$~yr at 90\% confidence level, respectively. The $2\nu\beta\beta$ ($0\nu\beta\beta$) limit surpasses the previously reported best result by a factor of 32 (2.7), highlighting the potential of large monolithic natural xenon detectors for double beta decay searches.

Primary author

颜 玺雨 (Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University)

Presentation materials