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高能理论论坛 (HETH-Forum)

$\tau^+\tau^-$ atom and $\tau$ mass

by Yu-Jie Zhang (Beihang University)




报告摘要:QED atoms are composed of unstructured and point-like lepton pairs bound together. The smallest and heaviest QED atom is formed by a $\tau^+\tau^-$ pair. Currently, the only known atoms of this type are the $e^+e^-$ and $\mu^+e^-$ atoms, which were discovered 63 years ago and remain the sole examples found thus far. We demonstrate that the $J_\tau$ ($\tau^+\tau^-$ atom with $J^{PC}=1^{--}$) atom signal can be observed with a significance larger than $5\sigma$ including both statistical and systematic uncertainties, via the process $e^+e^-\to  X^+ Y^- \slashed{E}$ ($X,\,Y=e$, $\mu$, $\pi$, $K$, or $\rho$, and $\slashed{E}$ is the missing energy due to unobserved neutrinos) with $1.5~{\rm ab^{-1}}$ data taken around the $\tau$ pair production threshold. The $\tau$ lepton mass can be measured with a precision of 1~keV with the same data sample. This is within one year's running time of the proposed STCF or SCT.

