1.3 GHz SCRF activity on ERL at Peking University (in session "Opening Plenary 1, Session 1")
5 K radiation shield and thermal performance (in session "WG-3 Session 4")
Atmospheric surface treatments of Niobium (in session "Plenary, Session 2")
Cavity inspection robot (in session "WG-2 Session 3")
Cavity-string alignment experience in the EXFEL prototype cryomodule assembly (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Cavity-string/cryomodule cold-test experience at JLAB (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Chinese ADS accelarator status (in session "Opening Plenary 1, Session 1")
Chinese Nb production at NingXia (in session "Plenary, Session 2")
Closeup Discussion (in session "WG-3 Session 4")
Closing Remarks (in session "Closing Session 7")
Comments on the blade type tuner performance (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Comments on the slide-jack type tuner performance (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Conceptual Design of the Short Cryomodule for SPL (in session "WG-3 Session 4")
Cryogenics at the European Spallation Source ESS (in session "WG-3 Session 4")
Cryomodule cold-test experience at ISAC2 (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Cryomodule cold-test experience at SPIRAL2 (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Cryomodule Cooling - where the cryogenic cooling power is used? (in session "WG-3 Session 4")
CW cryomodule test results at DESY (in session "WG-3 Session 4")
Discussion (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Discussion (in session "WG-2 Session 3")
Discussion (to be extended in the Session 6, Dec. 8.) (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Discussions (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Discussions (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Explosion bonding of niobium and titanium to stainless steel (in session "WG-3 Session 4")
FRIB cavity status: SRF issues and challenges (by Webex) (in session "Plenary, Session 2")
Gradient degradation experience at FLASH/PXFEL (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Gradient degradation experience at NML (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Gradient degradation experience at S1-Global (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Gradient degradation in cryomodules: in depth discussions WG-1 (in session "Session 6")
High Q0 cavities: in depth discussions WG-2 (in session "Session 6")
Hydrides and HF rinse studies (by Webex) (in session "WG-2 Session 3")
IFMIF power coupler for the HWR superconducting cavities (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
IHEP 1.3 GHz SCRF technology development for ILC (in session "Plenary, Session 2")
Input coupler assembly, and high-power and thermal performances at at KEK (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Input coupler assembly, and high-power and thermal performances at DESY (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Input coupler assembly, and high-powert and thermal performances at Fermilab (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Introduction and update since last meeting (in session "Opening Plenary 1, Session 1")
Large-grain cavities (in session "WG-2 Session 3")
LHeC collider electron superconducting Linac: SRF issues and challenges (in session "Plenary, Session 2")
Magnetic shielding issues for high Q0 (in session "WG-3 Session 4")
Magnetic shields inside and ouside of LHe tank in S1-Global cryomodule assembly (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
MgB2, Nb cathodic arc deposition and multilayers (in session "WG-2 Session 3")
Muon Acceleration Linacs: SRF issues and challenges (by Webex) (in session "Opening Plenary, Session 1")
Nb3Sn (by Webex) (in session "WG-2 Session 3")
Nb films prepared by HPIMS (in session "Plenary, Session 2")
Overview of ERL projects: SRF issues and challenges (by Webex) (in session "Opening Plenary, Session 1")
Overview of the LHC SCRF systems (present and future): SRF issues and challenges (in session "Plenary, Session 2")
Report from Collaboration Board (in session "Closing Session 7")
Report from Technical Board (in session "Closing Session 7")
SC RF gun with deposited lead photocathode (in session "WG-2 Session 3")
Status of ILC: SRF issues and challenges (in session "Opening Plenary, Session 1")
Status of KEK Cavity Fabrication Facility (in session "WG-2 Session 3")
Status of XFEL Project (in session "Opening Plenary 1, Session 1")
Study of large cryogenic systems in China. (in session "WG-3 Session 4")
Surface treatment studies at KEK (in session "WG-2 Session 3")
Thermal performance analysis and measurements of European XFEL prototype modules (in session "WG-3 Session 4")
Tumbling and hydrogen (in session "WG-2 Session 3")
Tuner performance with LLRF control at Fermilab (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Tuner performance with LLRF control at KEK (in session "WG-1 Session 5")
Update on vertical EP at Cornell (in session "WG-2 Session 3")
Vertical EP (in session "WG-2 Session 3")
Welcome (in session "Opening Plenary 1, Session 1")
WG-1 Cryomodule Test Results and Analysis (in session "Plenary, Session 2")
WG-2 Cavity material, fabrication, treatment and testing: new concepts and new benefits (in session "Plenary, Session 2")
WG-3 Cryogenics and cryostats: savings in cryogenic power (in session "Plenary, Session 2")
XFEL module transport results (in session "WG-3 Session 4")
Include materials from selected contributions