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1–3 Nov 2011
Ruxin conference center
Asia/Shanghai timezone
We are going to have inauguration ceremony at 11:00 on 1st of November and all are invited to join the ceremony.

No-Core MCSM calculation for $^{10}$Be and $^{12}$Be low-lying spectra

3 Nov 2011, 16:00
Ruxin conference center

Ruxin conference center

Xueyuan road 37#, Haidian district, 100191, Beijing, China


Dr Lang Liu (Peking University)


The low-lying excited states of $^{10}$Be and $^{12}$Be are investigated within a no-core Monte Carlo Shell Model (MCSM) framework employing a realistic potential obtained via the Unitary Correlation Operator Method. The excitation energies of the 2$^+_1$ and 2$^+_2$ states and the B(E2;$\,2^+_{1}\rightarrow$ 0$^+_{g.s.}$) for $^{10}$Be in the MCSM with a treatment of spurious center-of-mass motion show good agreement with experimental data. The deformation properties of the 2$^+_1$ , 2$^+_2$ states for $^{10}$Be and of the 2$^+_1$ state for $^{12}$Be are studied in terms of quadrupole moments, E2 transitions and the single-particle occupations. The E2 transition probability of $^{10}$C, the mirror nucleus of $^{10}$Be, is also presented. The triaxial deformation of $^{10}$Be is tested by the B(E2;$\,2^+_{2}\rightarrow$ 2$^+_{1}$) value. The removal of the spurious center-of-mass motion shifts the 1$^-_1$ level significantly, improving agreement with experiment.

Primary author

Dr Lang Liu (Peking University)


Prof. Robert Roth (Institut f\"{u}r Kernphysik, Technische Universit\"{a}t Darmstadt) Prof. Shimizu Noritaka (Tokyo University) Prof. Takaharu Otsuka (Tokyo University) Prof. Yutaka Utsuno (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

Presentation materials