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Hands-on Training

Download Hands-on Training Agenda and Student Groups.

The training program comprises six hands-on courses: SC Magnet (1 & 2), SC Cavity (3 & 4), and Cryogenics (5 & 6). The students will be divided into six groups (A to F), each consisting of 9 or 10 students. Each group will rotate through the six courses daily from 15:00 to 18:00.

Each course will have two instructors responsible for preparing the experimental apparatus, tools, and an introductory presentation. 

Instructors should present the scientific and engineering background, experimental objectives, fundamental physics and formulas, apparatus and setups, procedures, and data analysis methods and tables using an on-site PowerPoint presentation. At the end of the introduction, instructors should pose one or two questions for the students to answer before concluding the experiment. The presentation slides should be uploaded to the school's Indico website before the school starts to allow students to prepare.