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CEPC Physics Performance for RefTDR weekly meeting

226 (多学科大楼)




Zoom link: 

meeting id: 643 5985 4581
password: 517454

20240930 CEPC physics performance for Ref-TDR 

  • Fangyi Guo,  Gang Li, Kaili,Xiaotian,Peng Zhang, Reda, Shanzhen, Zebing, Chenguang, Boping, Xuai,Yanping, Ye Chen, Manqi, Zhijun, Hao Zhu, Yang Zhang, Jiarong Li, Mingshui Chen
  • Online: Da Xu, Hengne Li, Hongbo Liao, Jin Wang, Junquan Tao, Ligang Xia, Leyan Li, Shiyi Liang, Lianyou Shan, Yingqi Hou, Yuchen Cai, Yunyun Fan
  • general information:
    • IDRC review during 21-22 Oct.,  rehearsal on Oct. 8. 
    • Funding proposal for Henan completed.  
  • Fangyi : brief introduction of CyberPFO 
    • only track, cluster, no removement of ambiguity
    • currently no id for ECAL or HCAL cluster, need to use distance (w.r.t. IP) to check if it’s a ECal or HCal cluster
    • No link to track yet 
    • No PID 
    • No endcap yet. Even the digitization of Barrel HCal not validated 
  • Should check performance of single particles (w.r.t. MC particles inside jets, eff, resolution, fake rates) 
  • need CEPCSW release more often from software group
  • Chenguang: status on pid and tracking performance
    • preliminary studies with small sample shown
    • might ask software group or sub-detector group to provide package or example of the performance plots (validation plots, etc) 
      • e.g. tracking plots from Chengdong Fu,  PID plots from Guang Zhao
    • should check geometry (hit map, to be provided by Software group) 
  • Zebing: status on Jet performance
    • With help from Gang, Chenguang implemented the ee-kt jet reco (from FASTJET external package)
    • Reco & Gen jets studied, efficiency seems OK, resolution not.   
    • deltaR(reco, gen) seems too large
    • Missing HCAL clusters (no energy stored) in PFO, will be fixed in new release
  • Kaili
    • found a bug in PFO,  sign of track pxpypz reversed 
      • could also affect the jet resolution (direction)
    • dimuon resolution 0.7%, should be ~0.1%. Need to check  -   what’s PFO linked track (tpc track? or full track?)
    • Thanks to efforts by software group, now CPU time for simulation/reconstruction -> 2minutes/event,  though still need more improvement
      • Yanping: Simulation/reconstruction in the detector part where has response (like ATLAS)?  
    • Boping: could copy&paste the barrel digitization modules to the endcap? 
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:00 14:10
      Introduction 10m
      Speakers: Mingshui CHEN (IHEP) , Manqi Ruan (IHEP)
    • 14:10 14:30
      CyberPFA object reconstruction 20m
      Speaker: Fangyi Guo
    • 14:30 14:50
      Status on high level object reconstruction: PID, Jet, Vertex, etc 20m
      Speakers: Chenguang 张辰光 (IHEP,Beijing) , WANG Zebing, 刚 Gang 李 LI (高能所) , Kaili Zhang (IHEP) , all
    • 14:50 15:00
      MC and samples 10m
      Speakers: Kaili Zhang (IHEP) , UNKNOWN WANG Zebing, 泽炳 王 (高能所)
    • 15:00 15:15
      Progress on physics analyses 15m
    • 15:15 15:25
      Round table discussion 10m