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Participant List

26 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Dominika Vasilkova University of Liverpool
Gianluca Janka PSI
Jian Tang Sun Yat-Sen University
Jian-Ming Shen Hunan University
Jinjing Li Hunan University
Lingyun Dai Hunan University
Liqi Han Hunan University
Luchang Jin University of Connecticut
Qiang Li School of physics, Peking University
Qundong Han University of Padova
Shu-Lei Zhang Hunan University
Tan Luo Hunan university
wangyadi@ncepu.edu.cn Yadi Wang North China Electric Power University
Xiao Zhao PSI
Xiao-Rui Lyu University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhen Fang Hunan University
Zhengyun You Sun Yat-Sen University
乐耘 PKU
廷廷 湖南大学
浩翔 湖南大学
良文 中国科学院近物所