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16–17 May 2025
Asia/Shanghai timezone

About Central China Center for Nuclear Theory (C3NT)

Centra China Center for Nuclear Theory (C3NT)

The Central China Center for Nuclear Theory (C3NT) in the Institute of Particle Physics (IOPP) at the Central China Normal University (CCNU)  is designed to provide an open environment that is conducive for cutting-edge research and collaboration in the forefront of nuclear theory and phenomenology with close contact with experiments. These areas of research will cover :

  • Nuclear structure
  • Nuclear matter under extreme conditions
  • Hadron physics 
  • Nuclear astrophysics and fundamental symmetry
  • Quantum computing and AI in nuclear physics

Located in the city of Wuhan at the heart of mainland China with convenient and direct connections to many cities throughout China and Asia, the Center serves as a platform for exchange of new ideas, theoretical and numerical tools with short and long workshops, encouraging collaboration with focused program and training of young scientists with the annual Huada School on QCD. With diverse and vigorous local research programs in IOPP and participating institutions, the Center will also be a hub for regional collaboration among members of participating institutions fermented through the interaction with the international community at the Center. 

Programs will be selected by the Board of Directors from  proposals solicited through annual calls for proposals. Short workshops can be submitted and approved throughout the year based on interest and programs committed for the current year.

  • Long workshops: Workshops for up to three weeks on selected topics of current interest. Participants are by invitation only selected by the organizers and are required to stay for at least one week. Ample time will be set aside for discussions and collaboration with only several talks each day. The workshop can have a one-day symposium during the program highlighting the work of participants.
  • Short workshops: Workshops for a few days on topics of current and urgent interest. Participants are by invitation only selected by the organizers.
  • Huada School on QCD: An annual school which aims to provide basic training in strong interaction physics and related areas for graduate students, postdocs and young researchers in the field of high-energy nuclear and particle physics. The school is normally limited to about 60 participants and focuses on a selected theme each year. 
  • Regional Meetings: The Center will host one or two regional meetings each year to promote regional collaborations and exchange.

Committees and Administration

Director: Xin-Nian Wang 
Deputy Director : Long-Gang Pang

Board of Directors

The Board selects and approves proposals for programs submitted to the Center. The Board is also invited to give advice on the Huada School on QCD, local research programs in nuclear theory and other activities at the Center.

Gert Aarts (Swansea, UK)
Fengkun Guo (ITP, CN)
Tetsufumi Hirano (Sophia U, JP)
Suhoung Lee (Yonsei U, KR)
Guy Moore (TU Darmstadt, DE)
Huichao Song (PKU, CN)
Anna Stasto (PSU, US)
Rebecca Surman (U Notre Dame, US)
Werner Vogelsang (Tuebingen, DE)
Urs Wiedemmen (CERN, CH)
Furong Xu (PKU, CN)

Scientific Advisory Committee 

Members of the Committee are invited to participate in future programs at the Center and provide advice on the topic of the future workshops, schools and the local research activities. 

Yasumichi Aoki (to be confirmed)
Jean-Paul Blaizot (Saclay, FR)
Ronggeng Cai (NBU, CN)
Kenji Fukushima (U Tokyo, JP)
Sourendu Gupta (TIFR, IN)
Fritiof Karsch (Bielefeld, DE)
Zuo-tang Liang (SDU, CN)
Huey-Wen Lin (to be confirmed)
Yeunhwan Lim( Yonsei, KR)
Weiping Liu (SUSTech, CN)
Maria Paola Lombardo (INFN Florence, IT)
Ming-xing Luo (PKU, CN)
Boqiang Ma (ZZU, CN)
Yugang Ma (Fudan, CN)
Larry McLerran (UW, US)
Ulf-G. Meissner (U Bonn, DE)
Jie Meng (PKU, CN)
Berndt Muller (Duke, US)
Krishina Rajagopal (to be confirmed)
Michael Ramsey-Musolf (TDLI, CN)
Krystof Redlich (UWR, PL)
Zhongzhou Ren (Tongji, CN)
Dirk Rischke (Frankfurt, DE)
Phiala E. Shanahan (to be confirmed)
Enke Wang (SCNU, CN)
Qun Wang (USTC, CN)
Yueliang Wu (ITS/UCAS, CN)
Qiang Zhao (IHEP, CN)
Bingsong Zou (Tsinghua, CN)
Pengfei Zhuang (Tsinghua, CN)

Regional Committee

Representatives from selected universities in central China for coordination of programs and collaboration.

Wei-Tian Deng (HUST)
Wei Dai (CUG)
Jianyou Guo (AHU)
Xiaohua Li (USC)
Tan Luo (HNU)
Chunwang Ma (Henan NU)
Shi Pu (USTC)
En Wang (ZZU)
Xinyang Wang (AUST)
Xiaonu Xiong (CSU)
Xianhui Zhong (Hunan NU)
Zhi-Qing Zhang (HAUT)