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CEPC Physics Analysis Tutorial

228 (多学科大楼)




Zoom link: 

Passcode:  675183

Account:  For applying new IHEP afs account (http://afsapply.ihep.ac.cn/cchelp/zh/accounts/), choose CEPC/Higgs collaboration
For existing afs account, you'll need to apply to be included in another Linux group (cepc higgs) in order to access CEPC computing resouces, such as cepc computing farm and /cefs etc.

IHEP Computing Environment Manual


CEPC Software Quick Start: https://code.ihep.ac.cn/cepc/CEPCSW#quick-startTopic: CEPC


Previous tutorials:

202410 CEPC Analysis Tutorial:


202409 CEPC Software Tutorial:


    • 1
      Introduction for CEPC Physics Analysis

      General introduction

      Speaker: 刚 Gang 李 LI (高能所)
    • 2
      CEPCSW software

      包含但不限于 Setup cepcsw环境, MC samples等

      Speaker: Kaili Zhang (IHEP)
    • 3
      Physics Objects

      vertex,secondary vertex,D0, etc

      Speaker: Chenguang 张辰光 (IHEP,Beijing)
    • 4
      Jet clustering, JOI

      Jet and flavor tagging

      Speaker: Kaili Zhang (IHEP)
    • 5
      ZH(invisible) analysis and hand-on
      Speakers: Geliang Liu (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, École Polytechnique) , Geliang Liu (高能所)