Yasuhiro Yamaguchi
(RCNP, Osaka University)
The hadron-nucleus systems are interesting and important topics in the hadron and nuclear physics.
Recently, there have been many studies for the hadronic few-body states in light flavor sector, and these interesting phenomena caused by the impurity effects, e.g. glue-like effects and high-density states, have been discussed.
We discuss the possible existence of exotic dibaryons with a heavy antiquark,
and investigate three-body systems, Dbar(*)NN and B(*)NN.
The specific feature of such Dbar (B) nuclei is the exotic flavor
These bound states are genuinely exotic states with no quark-antiquark annihilation.
We emphasize that there is no corresponding states in strangeness sector, e.g. KNN, because the interaction between a K meson and a nucleon is repulsive.
We consider the one pion exchange potential (OPEP) between a heavy meson P(*) and a nucleon N, where P(*)=Dbar(*) and B(*).
Thanks to the mass degeneracy between P and P* mesons, the OPEP is enhanced and produces a strong attraction.
As for the NN interaction, we employ the Argonne v'_8 potential.
By solving the coupled channel equations for PNN and P*NN channels,
we obtain bound and resonant states.
As a consequence, we find bound states for (I,J^P)=(1/2,0^-) as well as resonant states for (I,J^P)=(1/2,1^-) both in Dbar(*)NN and B(*)NN systems.
It is turned out that the tensor force of OPEP mixing PN-P*N channels plays an important role to yield a strong attraction.
Primary author
Yasuhiro Yamaguchi
(RCNP, Osaka University)