Monday, May 11
9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-9:45 Hong Zhang (Vice Dean of Physics College, Sichuan U.) Opening Remark
9:45-10:45 Itzhak Bars New Cosmological Background with Dynamical String Tension
Coffee Break
11:15-12:15 Hiroshi Kunitomo Symmetries and Feynman Rules for Ramond Sector in WZW-type Superstring Field Theory
14:00-15:00 Nobuyuki Ishibashi Dimensional regularization of light-cone gauge super-string field theory and multiloop amplitudes
15:00-16:00 Theodore Erler Ramond equations of motion in superstring field theory
Coffee Break
16:30-17:30 Tomohiko Takahashi Multibrane Solutions and Chan-Paton Factors
17:30-18:10 Huiquan Li Black Holes and Tachyon Condensation
Tuesday, May 12
09:30-10:30 Ashoke Sen 1PI effective string field theory
Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Yuji Okawa The A∞ structure from the Berkovits formulation of open superstring field theory
14:00-15:00 Martin Schnabl Defects in OSFT
15:00-16:00 Carlo Maccaferri Tachyon vacuum on a separated brane/anti-brane system
Coffee Break
16:30-17:30 Alexei Koshelev Towards UV complete SFT based theory of gravity
17:30-18:10 Hiroaki Matsunaga L-infinity relations in WZW-like string field theory
Wednesday, May 13
Thursday, May 14
9:30-10:30 Mirjam Cvetic Aspects of Abelian and Discrete Gauge Symmetries in F-Theory Compactifications
Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Soo-Jong Rey What is String Theory?
14:00-15:00 Mikhail Vasiliev Invariant Functionals in Higher-Spin Theory
15:00-16:00 Xavier Bekaert Partition function of free conformal higher spin theory
Coffee Break
16:30-17:30 Dario Francia Mixed-symmetry multiplets and higher-spin curvatures
17:30-18:10 Karapet Mkrtchyan Generalized Higher-Spin Algebras
Friday, May 15
9:30-10:30 Bin Chen Renyi entropy in AdS3/CFT2 correspondence
Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Michael Kroyter φ3 theory on the lattice
14:00-15:00 Andrea Campoleoni Asymptotic symmetries of higher-spin gauge theories: the metric approach
15:00-16:00 Massimo Taronna Higher Spins and Matter Interactions in Dimension Three
Coffee Break
16:30-17:30 Haitang Yang Equivalence of the open/close string descriptions
17:30-18:10 Yang Zhou Exact Supersymmetric Renyi entropy of 3d and 4d SCFTs and its precise holographic dual
18:10-18:25 Dimitri Polyakov Closing Remark