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5–9 May 2017
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Study on high rate and ultrahigh time resolution TOF

Not scheduled




Prof. Yi Wang (Tsinghua University)


Time of flight system (TOF) based on MRPC technology is widely used in modern
physics experiments, and it also plays an important role. With the increase of
accelerator energy and brightness of Collider, TOF system is required to indentify
definite particles precisely under high rate environment. Undoubtedly this is a
big challenge for TOF technology. For example, the momentum upper limit of K/PI
separation is around 7GeV/c for JLab-SoLID TOF system under high particle rate as
high as 20kHz/cm^2. So it is imperative to develop high rate and ultrahigh time
resolution TOF system. In this project, we will investigate international advanced
technology and develop high rate narrow gap MRPC and corresponding readout
electronics system. The electronics system is focused on wave form digitizer
system, fast amplifier and discriminator. FPGA based TDC will also be studied. Our
goal is to develop a new TOF prototype with time resolution around 20ps and rate
capability of 20kHz/cm^2. This system will meet the urgent needs of physics
experiments and it can also push the technology of high precision particle

Primary author

Prof. Yi Wang (Tsinghua University)

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