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5–9 May 2017
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Collective flow in 2.76 and 5.02 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions

Not scheduled




Wenbin Zhao (school of physics Peking Uniersity)


Collective flows are important observables to study the properties of the QGP in relativistic heavy
ion collisions. Recently, the AILCE collaboration has measured many flow observables in 2.76 A
TeV and 5.02 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions. In order to study and predict these flow observables, we
run VISHNU hybrid model simulations with the TRENTo and AMPT initial conditions and with
different forms of the QGP transport coefficients. More specifically, we calculate the integrated
and differential $v_n$ of all charged and identified hadrons, the event-by-event $v_n$ distributions, the nonlinear response coefficients of higher-order flows harmonics, the event-plane correlations, the correlations between different flow harmonics, and $p_T$-depentdent factorization ratio,etc. We found some of the flow observables,
such as the integrated and differential $v_n$ of all charged and identified hadrons, which can be quantitatively described by the hybrid model simulations, are insensitive to the initial conditions used
in our calculations as long as the transport coefficients are properly tuned. We also qualitatively
explore the general properties of other flow observables, such as the flow correlations, the non-linear response coefficients of higher-order flow harmonics and $p_T$-depentdent factorization ratio with different initial conditions and
transport coefficients and hope such theoretical investigations and predictions could shed light to
the experimental measurements in the future.

Primary author

Wenbin Zhao (school of physics Peking Uniersity)


Dr Haojie Xu (Peking University) 慧超 宋 (Peking University)

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