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1–5 Sep 2017
China National Convention Center
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Low $p_{T}$ dielectron production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV and U+ U collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 193 GeV at STAR

1 Sep 2017, 15:40
302A (China National Convention Center)


China National Convention Center

No.7 Tianchen East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100105 China
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)


Shuai Yang (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


Recently, a significant excess of J/ψ yield at very low transverse momenta (pT<0.3 GeV/c) was reported by the ALICE collaboration in peripheral Pb+Pb collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 2.76 TeV [1]. STAR collaboration also observed the similar behavior of J/ψ production in peripheral Au+Au collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 200 GeV and U+U collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 193 GeV. These observations may point to possibility of an additional process with the coherent photoproduction mechanism. It is also interesting to investigate the e+e− pair production in a wider invariant mass region (Mee<4 GeV/c2) at very low pT in heavy-ion collisions for different centrality bins in order to study the production mechanism. In this talk, we will present the centrality dependence of e+e− pair invariant mass spectra at very low pT (pT<0.15 GeV/c) in Au+Au collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 200 GeV and U+U collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 193 GeV. The pT differentials and t (−t≈p2T) distributions of two mass regions (0.4-0.76 and 1.2-2.6 GeV/c2) in most peripheral aforementioned heavy-ion collisions will be shown and compared with the same distributions in ultra-peripheral collisions. Physics implications will be discussed. [1] J. Adam et al. (ALICE Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 222301 (2016).

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