3D diamond detectors for tracking and dosimetry (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(3)")
3Dimensionally integrated Digital SiPM (in session "R4-Photon detectors(4)")
A compact size, 64-channel, 80 MSPS, 14-bit dynamic range ADC module for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(3)")
A comprehensive analysis of polarised $\gamma$-ray beam data with a HARPO demonstrator (in session "R1-Astrophysics and space instrumentation(1)")
A Cylindrical GEM Inner Tracker for the BESIII experiment at IHEP (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(1)")
A fast monolithic pixel detector in a SiGe Bi-CMOS process (in session "R3-Medical Imaging, security and other applications")
A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the Phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS Calorimeter system (in session "R1-Calorimeters(4)")
A monolithic pixel sensor with fine space-time resolution based on Silicon-on-Insulator technology for the ILC vertex detector (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(6)")
A multi-chip data acquisition system based on a heterogeneous system-on-chip platform. (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(3)")
A new method for Micromegas fabrication (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(2)")
A Novel Gamma-ray Detector for Gravitational Wave Electromagnetic Counterpart Searches in Space (in session "R1-Astrophysics and space instrumentation(2)")
A readout ASIC for the LHCb Scintillating Fibre (SciFi) tracker (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(1)")
A Service-Oriented Platform for embedded monitoring systems in the Belle II experiment. (in session "R3-Backend readout structures and embedded systems")
A Si-PAD and Tungsten based electromagnetic calorimeter for the forward direct photon measurement at LHC (in session "R1-Calorimeters(3)")
A stand alone muon tracking detector based on the use of Silicon Photomultipliers (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(2)")
A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(4)")
Acceleration of an particle identification algorithm used for the LHCb Upgrade with the new Intel(r) Xeon(r)/FPGA (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(5)")
Alignment of the CMS Tracker at LHC Run-II (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(1)")
An analog processor for real time data filtering in large detectors (in session "R3-Backend readout structures and embedded systems")
An FPGA-Based Hough Transform Track Finder for the L1 Trigger of the CMS Experiment at the High Luminosity LHC (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(5)")
An general high performance xTCA compliant and FPGA based Data Processing Unit for trigger and data acquisition and trigger applications (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(4)")
An improved self-stretching GEM assembly technique (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(1)")
An SOI pixel sensor with in-pixel binary counters (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(6)")
Analysis and simulation of HV-CMOS assemblies for the CLIC vertex detector (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(5)")
Application of the SOPHIAS Detector to Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Experiments (in session "R4-Photon detectors(6)")
Applications of Very Fast Inorganic Crystal Scintillators in Future HEP Experiments (in session "R1-Calorimeters(1)")
Assembly of a Silica Aerogel Radiator Module for the Belle II ARICH System (in session "R1-Particle identification(1)")
Automated load balancing in the ATLAS high-performance storage software (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(5)")
Barrel time-of-flight detector for the PANDA experiment at FAIR (in session "R1-Particle identification(1)")
Belle II iTOP optics: design, construction, and performance (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(4)")
Belle-II Silicon Vertex Detector (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(2)")
Calibration and Performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter during the run 2 of the LHC (in session "R1-Calorimeters(5)")
Calibration of the LHAASO-KM2A electromagnetic particle detectors (in session "R1-Astrophysics and space instrumentation(1)")
Capacitively Coupled Pixel Detectors: From design simulations to test beam (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(5)")
CATIROC, a multichannel front-end ASIC to read out the Small PMTs (SPMT) system of the JUNO experiment (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(1)")
Cerium-doped Fused-silica Fibers (in session "R1-Calorimeters(1)")
Challenges and performance of frontier technology applied to an ATLAS Phase-I calorimeter trigger board dedicated to jet identification (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(3)")
Characterisation of the Hamamatsu silicon photomultiplier arrays for the LHCb Scintillating Fibre Tracker Upgrade (in session "R4-Photon detectors(2)")
Characterization of the large area photocathode PMTs for the JUNO Detector (in session "R4-Photon detectors(2)")
CLAWS - A Plastic Scintillator / SiPM based Detector measuring Backgrounds during the Commissioning of SuperKEKB (in session "R1-Interface and beam instrumentation")
Closing (in session "Closing")
CMOS pixel development for the ATLAS experiment at the HL-LHC (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(5)")
CMS Central Beam Pipe Instrumentation with Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors: Two Years of Data Taking (in session "R1-Interface and beam instrumentation")
CMS Tracker performance in 2016 (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(3)")
Commissioning and Initial Performance of the Belle II iTOP PID Subdetector (in session "R1-Particle identification(1)")
Commissioning and integration testing of the DAQ system for the CMS GEM upgrade (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(1)")
Commissioning of the CMS Hadron Forward Calorimeters Phase I Upgrade (in session "R1-Calorimeters(5)")
Commissioning of the Phase I upgrade of the CMS pixel detector (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(1)")
Common software for controlling and monitoring the upgraded CMS Level-1 trigger (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(5)")
Construction and first beam-tests of silicon-tungsten prototype modules for the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter for HL-LHC (in session "R1-Calorimeters(3)")
Construction of the Phase I upgrade of the CMS pixel detector (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(1)")
Cryogenic light detectors for background suppression: the CALDER project (in session "R4-Photon detectors(5)")
CUPID-0: a cryogenic calorimeter with particle identification for double beta decay search. (in session "R1-Particle identification(2)")
Dark matter search with superconducting detector (in session "R1-Dark Matter Detectors")
Data transmission system for 2D-SND at CSNS (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(3)")
Design and Construction of the Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) at Fermilab (in session "R2-Neutrino Detectors(1)")
Design and performances of the ED and the prototype array for LHAASO-KM2A (in session "R1-Astrophysics and space instrumentation(1)")
Design of a Data Acquisition Module Based on PXI for Waveform Digitization (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(3)")
Design of a high count rate photomultiplier base board for the sodium iodide detector on PGNAA (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(2)")
Design of the new ATLAS Inner Tracker for the High Luminosity LHC era (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(3)")
Design of the Single Phase Liquid ArgonTPC for ProtoDUNE (in session "R2-Neutrino Detectors(1)")
Design, status and perspectives for the Mu2e crystal calorimeter (in session "R1-Calorimeters(1)")
Detector challenges for high-energy e+e- colliders (in session "Plenary 1")
Detectors for electron ion colliders (in session "Plenary 2")
Determining the photon yield for the LHCb RICH Upgrade photodetection system (in session "R4-Photon detectors(6)")
Development in DAQ and triggering (in session "Plenary 5")
Development of a novel detector system for the keV sterile neutrino search with KATRIN (in session "R1-Dark Matter Detectors")
Development of a SiPM camera demonstrator for the Cherenkov Telescope Array observatory telescopes (in session "R4-Photon detectors(4)")
Development of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics for the HL-LHC (in session "R1-Calorimeters(4)")
Development of CaRIBOu: a modular readout system for pixel sensor R&D (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(3)")
Development of High Precision Polarimeter for the charged particle EDM Experiment (in session "R1-Calorimeters(3)")
Development of planar microchannel plate photomultiplier with full range response and pixelated readout (in session "R4-Photon detectors(1)")
Development of Radiation-Hard ASICs for the ATLAS Phase-1 Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics Upgrade (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(1)")
Development of Radiation-Hard Scintillators and Wavelength Shifting Fibers (in session "R1-Calorimeters(1)")
Development of Superconducting Tunnel Junction Photon Detector with Cryogenic Preamplifier for COBAND experiment (in session "R4-Photon detectors(5)")
Development of the Photon-Detector System for DUNE (in session "R4-Photon detectors(6)")
Development of Trigger and Readout Electronics for the ATLAS New Small Wheel Detector Upgrade (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(2)")
Developments on a Microchannel CO2 cooling system for the LHCb VELO Upgrade. (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(1)")
Diamond detector technology; status and perspectives (in session "Plenary 6")
Digital Electromagnetic Calorimetry with Extremely Fine Spatial Segmentation (in session "R1-Calorimeters(2)")
Direct cosmic-ray measurements & Dark Matter search (in session "Plenary 1")
Double Calorimetry System in JUNO Experiment (in session "R2-Neutrino Detectors(2)")
Electromagnetic calorimeter prototype for the SoLID project at Jefferson Lab (in session "R1-Calorimeters(2)")
Electron Test Beams at SLAC (in session "R1-Interface and beam instrumentation")
Electronics and triggering challenges for the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter for HL-LHC (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(2)")
Electronics, trigger and data acquisition systems for the INO ICAL experiment (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(4)")
Endcap Disc DIRC for PANDA at FAIR (in session "R1-Particle identification(1)")
Energy Resolution and Timing Performance Studies of a W-CeF3 Sampling Calorimeter prototype with a Wavelength-Shifting Fiber Readout (in session "R1-Calorimeters(4)")
Enhanced lateral drift sensors: concept and development (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(5)")
Feasibility study of track-based multiple scattering tomography (in session "R3-Medical Imaging, security and other applications")
FELIX: the new detector readout system for the ATLAS experiment (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(4)")
Fine-Pixel Detector FPIX Realizing Sub-micron Spatial Resolution Developed Based on FD-SOI Technology (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(6)")
First Prototype of the Muon Frontend Control Electronics for the LHCb Upgrade: Hardware Realization and Test (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(2)")
Front-end electronics for next generation of imaging/timing calorimeters (in session "Plenary 4")
Future applications in medical imaging (in session "Plenary 2")
Gain stabilization and afterpulsing studies of SiPMs (in session "R4-Photon detectors(4)")
Gravitational wave detection (in session "Plenary 3")
GridPix detector with Timepix3 ASIC (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(4)")
Hamamatsu PMTs Latest developmental status (in session "R4-Photon detectors(3)")
High granularity digital Si-W electromagnetic calorimeter for forward direct photon measurements at LHC (in session "R1-Calorimeters(3)")
High rate time of flight system for FAIR-CBM (in session "R1-Particle identification(1)")
High tracking performance in 3D with gaseous pixel detectors based on the Timepix3 chip. (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(4)")
IHEP status (in session "Opening")
Improvement of the MCP-PMT performance under a high count rate (in session "R4-Photon detectors(1)")
Innovative design and construction technique for the Cylindrical GEM detector for the BESIII experiment (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(1)")
Integrated CMOS sensor technologies for the CLIC tracker (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(5)")
Integration and characterization of the vertex detector in SuperKEKB commissioning Phase 2 (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(5)")
Integration of data acquisition systems of Belle II outer-detectors for cosmic ray test (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(1)")
Integration of readout of the vertex detector in the Belle II DAQ system (in session "R3-Backend readout structures and embedded systems")
Latest results from the NEMO-3 and SuperNEMO experiments (in session "R2-Neutrino Detectors(1)")
Light Detection with Large Area DUV Sensitive SiPMs in nEXO (in session "R2-Neutrino Detectors(2)")
Liquid xenon detector with VUV-sensitive MPPCs for MEG II experiment (in session "R1-Calorimeters(1)")
Low radiation techniques (in session "Plenary 4")
Machine Learning Techniques for Triggering and Event Classification in Collider Experiments (in session "R1-Particle identification(2)")
MiniDAQ1: a compact data acquisition system for GBT readout over 10G Ethernet (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(1)")
MoBiKID - Kinetic Inductance Detectors for upcoming B-mode satellite missions (in session "R1-Astrophysics and space instrumentation(2)")
Modelling Resource Utilization of a Large Data Acquisition System (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(4)")
Modules and Front-End Electronics Developments for the ATLAS ITk Strips Upgrade (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(2)")
Multi-layer ionization chamber for quality assurance and stopping power measurements (in session "R3-Medical Imaging, security and other applications")
Neutrino physics and detectors (in session "Plenary 3")
New Study for SiPMs Performance in High Electric Field Environment (in session "R4-Photon detectors(4)")
Nuclear Emulsion Based Detector for Directional Dark Mater Search (in session "R1-Dark Matter Detectors")
Operation of the LHCb silicon tracking and vertexing systems in LHC Run-2 (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(1)")
Operational Experience with Radioactive Source Calibration of the CMS Hadron Endcap Calorimeter Wedges with Phase I Upgrade Electronics (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(1)")
Operational Experience with the ATLAS Pixel Detector (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(1)")
PandaX-4ton liquid xenon detector for rare physics search (in session "R1-Dark Matter Detectors")
PandaX-III: Searching for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with High Pressure Xe-136 Gas Time Projection Chambers (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(3)")
Particle tracking in the Negative Ion Gas SF6 with a Micromegas (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(2)")
Performance of Resistive Plate Chamber operated with new environmental friendly gas mixtures (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(4)")
Performance of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter during the LHC Run II (in session "R1-Calorimeters(5)")
Performance of Triple GEM Detector in X-Rays and Beta Particles Imaging (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(1)")
Performance studies and requirements on the calorimeters for a FCC-hh experiment (in session "Plenary 4")
PETIROC2A : New measurement results on fast ToF SiPM read-out chip (in session "R3-Medical Imaging, security and other applications")
Phase-I Trigger Readout Electronics Upgrade for the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters (in session "R3-Backend readout structures and embedded systems")
Photon detection (in session "Plenary 3")
Pixel Detector Developments for Tracker Upgrades of the High Luminosity LHC (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(4)")
Precision Timing Calorimetry with the upgraded CMS Crystal ECAL (in session "R1-Calorimeters(4)")
Precision Timing Detectors with Cadmium Telluride Sensors (in session "R1-Calorimeters(2)")
Progress in Room-Temperature and Cryogenic Resistive THGEM-based detectors (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(4)")
Progress of PandaX-III readout electronics (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(2)")
PROSPECT - A Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment (in session "R2-Neutrino Detectors(1)")
Prototype tests for a highly granular scintillator-based hadron calorimeter (in session "R1-Calorimeters(2)")
Radiation hardness of small-pitch 3D pixel sensors up to HL-LHC fluences (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(4)")
Radiation Monitoring with Diamond Sensors for the Belle-II Vertex Detector (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(3)")
Radiation-Hard/High-Speed Optical Engine for HL-LHC (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(1)")
Radiative Decay Counter for active background identification in MEG II experiment (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(4)")
RDMA optimizations on top of 100 Gbps Ethernet for the upgraded data acquisition system of LHCb (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(3)")
Readout and Precision Calibration of square meter sized Micromegas Detectors using the Munich Cosmic Ray Facility (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(2)")
Recent Advances in LAPPD™ and Large Area Micro-channel Plates (in session "R4-Photon detectors(3)")
Recent development of Gaseous detectors (in session "Plenary 5")
Recent Update on Trigger and Data Acquisition System of PandaX-II Experiment (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(5)")
Research and development on a Scintillating Fiber Tracker with SiPM array readout for Application in Space (in session "R1-Astrophysics and space instrumentation(2)")
Resistive Micromegas for the Muon Spectrometer Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(2)")
Results from Pilot Run for MEG II Positron Timing Counter (in session "R4-Photon detectors(6)")
Scattering studies with the DATURA beam telescope (in session "R1-Interface and beam instrumentation")
SciFi - A large Scintillating Fibre Tracker for LHCb (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(3)")
Secondary electron yield of nano-thick aluminum oxide and its application on MCP detector (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(6)")
Signal to noise ratio of Low Gain Avalanche Detector (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(6)")
Silicon Tracker for the J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experiment (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(2)")
Simulation and investigation of the gaseous detector module for CEPC TPC (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(3)")
SiPM-based Camera for Image Air Cherenkov Telescope of LHAASO (in session "R1-Astrophysics and space instrumentation(1)")
Slow liquid scintillator for scintillation and Cherenkov light separation (in session "R2-Neutrino Detectors(2)")
Small-pads Resistive Micromegas for Operation at Very High Rates (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(2)")
Small-Strip Thin Gap Chambers for the Muon Spectrometer Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(3)")
Software compensation and particle flow (in session "R1-Calorimeters(3)")
Spherical Measuring Device of Secondary Electron Emission Coefficient Based on Pulsed Electron Beam (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(4)")
Spin-Off Application of Silica Aerogel in Space: Capturing Intact Cosmic Dust in Low-Earth Orbits and Beyond (in session "R1-Astrophysics and space instrumentation(2)")
Staves and Petals: Multi-module local support structures of the ATLAS ITk Strips Upgrade (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(2)")
Study of Radiation-induced Soft-errors in FPGAs for Applications at High-luminosity e+e- Colliders (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(3)")
Study on Recovery Time of Silicon Photomultiplier with Epitaxial Quenching Resistors (in session "R4-Photon detectors(4)")
TAIGA experiment – a new instrument for high energy gamma-ray astronomy and cosmic ray studies. (in session "R1-Astrophysics and space instrumentation(1)")
TDC based on FPGA of Boron-coated MWPC for Thermal Neutron Detection (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(1)")
The 20-inch PMT system for the JUNO experiment (in session "R4-Photon detectors(2)")
The Aerogel Ring Image Cherenkov counter for particle identification in the Belle II experiment (in session "R1-Particle identification(1)")
The ANNIE experiment: measuring neutron yield from neutrino-nucleus interactions (in session "R2-Neutrino Detectors(3)")
The ATLAS Level-1 Trigger System with 13TeV nominal LHC collisions (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(4)")
The ATLAS Muon-to-Central Trigger Processor Interface (MUCTPI) Upgrade (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(2)")
The Barrel DIRC Detector for the PANDA Experiment at FAIR (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(2)")
The Belle II / SuperKEKB Commissioning Detector - Results from the First Commissioning Phase (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(5)")
The Belle II / SuperKEKB commissioning Time Projection Chambers - characterization, simulation, and results (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(3)")
The cathode quantum efficiency(QE) Testing System (in session "R4-Photon detectors(1)")
The CMS ECAL Upgrade for Precision Crystal Calorimetry at the HL-LHC (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(3)")
The CMS High-Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) for Operation at the High-Luminosity LHC (in session "R1-Calorimeters(2)")
The CMS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Upgrade for LHC Run II (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(2)")
The CMS Tracker Phase II Upgrade for the HL-LHC era (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(4)")
The CUORE bolometric detector for neutrinoless double beta decay searches (in session "R1-Particle identification(2)")
The Development and Performance of a 3D Imaging Calorimeter of DAMPE (in session "R1-Calorimeters(5)")
The gas systems for the detectors at the LHC experiments: overview of the performances and upgrade strategy in view of the High Luminosity LHC phase. (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(2)")
The Global Control Unit for the JUNO front-end electronics (in session "R3-Front-end electronics and fast data transmission(3)")
The Intelligent FPGA Data Acquisition Framework (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(1)")
The JUNO VETO detector system (in session "R2-Neutrino Detectors(3)")
The KM3NeT Digital Optical Module (in session "R2-Neutrino Detectors(3)")
The LHCb Vertex Locator Upgrade (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(3)")
The Mu2e Calorimeter Photosensors (in session "R4-Photon detectors(5)")
The Phase-1 Upgrade of the ATLAS First Level Calorimeter Trigger (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(2)")
The Phase-1 Upgrade of the ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(2)")
The Phase-2 ATLAS ITk Pixel Upgrade (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(4)")
The R&D progress of the Jinping Neutrino Experiment (in session "R2-Neutrino Detectors(2)")
The RICH of the NA62 experiment at CERN (in session "R1-Particle identification(2)")
The Semi-Digital Hadronic Calorimeter for Future Leptonic Collider experiments (in session "R1-Calorimeters(5)")
The SHiP experiment at CERN (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(5)")
The Silicon Micro-strip Upstream Tracker for the LHCb Upgrade (in session "R4-Semiconductor detectors(2)")
The SLAC Instrumentation and Control Platform (in session "R3-Backend readout structures and embedded systems")
The Status of the R&D of the 20 inch MCP-PMT in China (in session "R4-Photon detectors(2)")
The TORCH PMT, a close packing, long life MCP-PMT for Cherenkov applications with a novel high granularity multi-anode (in session "R4-Photon detectors(3)")
The tracking system at LHCb in run-2: hardware alignment systems, online calibration, radiation tolerance and 4D tracking with timing (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(3)")
The Tynode: a new vacuum electron multiplier for ultra fast pixelised particle detectors (in session "Plenary 6")
The VSiPMT project: characterization of the second generation of prototypes (in session "R4-Photon detectors(1)")
The xTCA for Physics Standard Hardware Extensions and Software Guidelines (in session "Plenary 5")
Thermal mockup studies of BelleII vertex detector (in session "R2-Experimental detector systems(1)")
TORCH: a large-area detector for high resolution time-of-flight measurement (in session "R1-Particle identification(2)")
Upgrade of the ATLAS Monitored Drift Tube Electronics for the HL-LHC (in session "R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(3)")
Upgrade of the ATLAS Thin Gap Chambers Electronics for HL-LHC (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(3)")
Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter for the High luminosity LHC (in session "R1-Calorimeters(4)")
Upgrade of the CMS Muon Spectrometer in the forward region with the GEM technology (in session "R2-Gaseous detectors(1)")
XEMIS: liquid xenon Compton camera for 3γ imaging (in session "R3-Medical Imaging, security and other applications")
XENON1T: Searching for WIMPs at the Ton Scale (in session "R1-Dark Matter Detectors")
Include materials from selected contributions