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May 21 – 26, 2017
Beijing International Convention Center
Asia/Shanghai timezone


International Advisory Committee:

Laura Baudis, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Ties Behnke, DESY, Germany
Jim Brau, University of Oregon, USA
Marcel Demarteau, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Junji Haba, KEK, Japan 
Erik Heijne, Nikhef and IEAP/Czech Technical University Prague
Christian Joram, CERN, Switzerland
Yannis Karyotakis, LAPP, France
Lucie Linssen, CERN, Switzerland
Kenneth Long, Imperial College London, UK
David MacFarlane, SLAC, USA
Joachim Mnich, DESY, Germany
Ken Peach, John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science, UK
Cinzia Da Via, University of Manchester, UK
Veljko Radeka, BNL, USA
Yifang Wang, IHEP, China
Hitoshi Yamamoto, Tohoku University, Japan


Program Committee:

Zhen-An Liu (Chair), IHEP China 
Qi An, USTC, China
Niels Van Bakel, Nikhef, Netherlands
Christian Bohm, University Of Stockholm, Sweden
Magnus Hansen, CERN, Switzerland
Tao Hu, IHEP, China
Xiaoshan Jiang, IHEP, China
Ray Larsen, SLAC, USA
Ted Liu, Fermilab, USA
Yinong Liu, Tsinghua University, China
Patrick Le Du, IPNL, France
Niko Neufeld, CERN, Switzerland
Martin Purschke, BNL, USA
Hong Su, IMPCAS, China
Zheng Wang, IHEP, China
Crag Woody, BNL, USA
Qun Ouyang, IHEP, China
Kejun Zhu, IHEP, China


Local Organizing Committee:

Kejun Zhu (Co-Chair), IHEP, China
Lijun Guo (Co-Chair), IHEP, China
Gang Chen, IHEP, China
Mali Chen, IHEP, China
Wenxuan Gong, IHEP, China
Yinghua Jia (Chief Secretary), IHEP, China

Sen Qian, IHEP, China
Juan Ren, IHEP, China
Huan Xing, IHEP, China
Chunhong Yan, CAS, China
Jing Yang, IHEP, China
Mingjie Yang, IHEP, China