- Nural Akchurin (Texas Tech University)
- Ren-Yuan Zhu (Caltech)
Burak Bilki
5/23/17, 9:00 AM
The CALICE Digital Hadron Calorimeter, the DHCAL, utilizes Resistive Plate Chambers, RPCs, as active media. The readout is provided by 1 cm x 1 cm pads with the front-end electronics directly coupled to the RPCs. The chambers including the readout are housed within a cassette structure with steel and copper front and back planes. The cassettes are interleaved with iron or tungsten absorber...
Adi Bornheim
5/23/17, 9:18 AM
Precision timing detectors for high energy physics experiments with temporal resolutions of a few 10 ps are of pivotal importance to master the challenges posed by the highest energy particle accelerators. Calorimetric timing measurements have been a focus of recent research, enabled by exploiting the temporal coherence of electromagnetic showers. Scintillating crystals with high light yield...
Yong Liu
5/23/17, 9:36 AM
Within the CALICE collaboration, several concepts for the hadronic calorimeter of a future linear collider detector are studied. After having demonstrated the capabilities of the measurement methods in "physics prototypes", the focus now lies on improving their implementation in "engineering prototypes", that are scalable to the full linear collider detector. The Analog Hadron Calorimeter...
Florian Pitters
5/23/17, 9:54 AM
The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will integrate 10 times more luminosity than the LHC, posing significant challenges for radiation tolerance and event pileup on detectors, especially for forward calorimetry, and hallmarks the issue for future colliders. As part of its HL-LHC upgrade program, the CMS collaboration is designing a High Granularity Calorimeter to replace the existing endcap...
Cunfeng Feng
(Shandong university)
5/23/17, 10:12 AM
SoLID (Solenoidal Large Intensity Device) is a new, general-purpose, large acceptance spectrometer being planned for experimental Hall A at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia, USA. The shashlik-type sampling technique will be used for the electromagnetic calorimeter for SoLID. This calorimeter is 20 radiation-lengths long with 194 layers each of 1.5mm-thickness plastic scintillators...