R1-Interface and beam instrumentation
- Jin Li (IHEP/THU)
- Christian Bohm (Stockholm University)
Carsten Hast
5/25/17, 11:00 AM
Interface and beam instrumentation
We present status of and future plans for the various electron test beam lines at SLAC.
The presentation will focus on ESTB, the End Station (A) Test Beam, which after rebuilds during 2017, will continue to deliver 2 to 16 GeV primary electrons (10^9) per pulse, or single electron (1-100) per pulse at 5Hz rate. These beams have been used by around 500 Users in 38 experiments over the past 4...
Hendrik Jansen
5/25/17, 11:18 AM
Interface and beam instrumentation
High-precision particle tracking devices allow for two-dimensional analyses of the material budget distribution of particle detectors and their periphery. These tracking devices, called beam telescopes, enable a precise measurement of the track of charged particles with an angular resolution in the order of a few ten microradian and a position resolution of a few micrometer. The material...
Windel Hendrik
(Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)
5/25/17, 11:36 AM
Interface and beam instrumentation
The SuperKEKB collider at KEK, which has started its commissioning in February 2016, is designed to achieve unprecedented luminosities, with a factor 40 higher than the record-breaking luminosity of the KEKB machine. For the operation of the Belle II detector, in particular of its pixel vertex detector, a precise understanding of the background conditions at the interaction point is crucial....
Francesco Fienga
(University of Napoli Federico II)
5/25/17, 11:54 AM
Interface and beam instrumentation
We present the recent results of the monitoring of the central beam pipe of the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment (CMS), at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). The measurements are carried out by means of an innovative fiber optic monitoring system based on the Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor technology. The CMS central beam pipe is part of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)...