R3-Trigger and data acquisition systems(4)
- Jinlong Zhang (A)
Satyanarayana Bheesette
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
5/25/17, 9:00 AM
Trigger and data acquisition systems
India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) has proposed construction of a 50kton magnetised Iron Calorimeter (ICAL) in an underground laboratory located in South India. Main aims of this, now funded project are to precisely study the atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters and to determine the ordering of neutrino masses. The detector will deploy about 28,800 glass Resistive Plate Chambers...
Louis Helary
5/25/17, 9:18 AM
Trigger and data acquisition systems
The Level-1 (L1) Trigger system of the ATLAS experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) plays a key role in the ATLAS detector data-taking. It is a hardware system that selects in real time events containing physics-motivated signatures. Selection is purely based on calorimetry energy depositions and hits in the muon chambers consistent with muon candidates. The L1 Trigger system has...
Santos Alejandro
(CERN,the University of Heidelberg, Germany)
5/25/17, 9:36 AM
Trigger and data acquisition systems
The ATLAS 'Phase-II' upgrade, scheduled to start in 2024, will significantly change the requirements under which the data-acquisition system operates. The input data rate, currently fixed around 150 GB/s, is anticipated to reach 5 TB/s. In order to deal with the challenging conditions, and exploit the capabilities of newer technologies, a number of architectural changes are under...
Jingzhou ZHAO Jingzhou
5/25/17, 9:54 AM
Trigger and data acquisition systems
This talk will be about an new version of high performance xTCA compliant and FPGA based Data Processing Unit for trigger and data acquisition applications like in PANDA, PXD/BelleII upgrade and CMS trigger. The Unit consists of 4 Advanced Mezzanine Cards (AMC, called xFP card), 1 AMC carrier ATCA board(ACAB) and 1 Rear Transition I/O Board(RTM). The ACAB board features 1 Xilinx Ultrascale...
Jinlong Zhang
5/25/17, 10:12 AM
Trigger and data acquisition systems
After the Phase-I upgrade and onward, the Front-End Link eXchange (FELIX)
system will be the interface between the data handling system and the
detector front-end electronics and trigger electronics at the ATLAS
experiment. FELIX will function as a router between custom serial links
and a commodity switch network which will use standard technologies to
communicate with data collecting and...