R4-Semiconductor detectors(5)
- Benedikt Vormwald (University of Hamburg, Institute of Experimetal Physics)
Ristic Branislav
25/05/2017, 09:00
Semiconductor detectors
To cope with the rate and radiation environment expected at the HL-LHC new approaches are being developed on CMOS pixel detectors, providing charge collection in a depleted layer.
They are based on: HV enabling technologies that allow to use high depletion voltages (HV-MAPS), high resistivity wafers for large depletion depths (HR-MAPS); radiation hard processed with multiple nested wells to...
Magdalena Munker
(CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
25/05/2017, 09:18
Semiconductor detectors
The tracking detector at the proposed high-energy CLIC electron-positron collider will be based on small-pitch silicon pixel- or strip sensors arranged in a multi-layer barrel and end-cap geometry with a total surface of about 90 sqm. The requirements include single-point position resolutions of a few microns and time stamping with an accuracy of approximately 10 ns, combined with a low...
Matthew Buckland
(University of Liverpool)
25/05/2017, 09:36
Semiconductor detectors
The requirement of precision physics and the environment found in the proposed future high-energy linear e+e- collider CLIC, result in challenging constraints for the vertex detector. In order to reach the performance goals, various sensor technologies are under consideration. Prototypes of an active pixel sensor with 25 μm pitch (CCPDv3) have been fabricated in a commercial 180 nm...
Mateus Vicente
25/05/2017, 09:54
Semiconductor detectors
An overview on the characterisation of aH35 HV-CMOS active pixel sensors for the ATLAS ITk. Capacitively Coupled Pixel Detectors (CCPDs) are only possible due to HV-CMOS sensors, where the high voltage (necessary to deplete the sensor) can be applied on CMOS circuits, allowing the sensor to be capacitively coupled to a read out ASIC, avoiding the expensive bump-bonds. An extensive work is done...
Anastasiia Velyka
(DESY Hamburg)
25/05/2017, 10:12
Semiconductor detectors
Future experiments in particle physics require few-micrometer position resolution in their tracking detectors. Silicon is today's material of choice for high-precision detectors and offers a high grade of engineering possibilities. Instead of scaling down pitch sizes, which comes at a high price for increased number of channels, our new sensor concept seeks to improve the position resolution...