R2-Experimental detector systems(1)
- Gary Varner (University of Hawaii)
- qiang wang (ihep)
Patrick Connor
5/22/17, 4:00 PM
Experimental detector systems
The inner tracking detector of the Cosmic Muon Solenoid (CMS) at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is $2.6\text{m}$ wide and $5.2\text{m}$ long,
and is made of $1440$ silicon pixel and $15 148$ silicon strip modules in the inner and outer part, respectively.
Its high granularity has provided an excellent hit resolution of the order of $10\mu\text{m}$ during LHC Run-I and II.
In order...
Burak Bilki
5/22/17, 4:18 PM
Experimental detector systems
The Phase I Upgrade of the CMS Hadron Endcap Calorimeters consist of new photodetectors (Silicon Photomultipliers in place of Hybrid Photo-Diodes ) and front-end electronics (QIE11). The upgrade will allow the elimination of the high amplitude noise and drifting response of the Hybrid Photo-Diodes, at the same time enabling the mitigation of the radiation damage of the scintillators and the...
Hua Ye
5/22/17, 4:36 PM
Experimental detector systems
The Belle II experiment is currently under construction at the e+e- collider SuperKEKB in Japan. Its vertex detector (VXD), comprising a two layer DEPFET pixel detector (PXD) surrounded by four layers of double sided silicon strip detector (SVD), is indispensable for the accurate determination of the decay point of B or D mesons as well as track reconstruction of low momentum particles. In...
Kazuyoshi Akiba
5/22/17, 4:54 PM
Experimental detector systems
The LHCb Vertex Detector (VELO) will be upgraded in 2018 to a lightweight, pixel detector capable of 40 MHz readout and operation in very close proximity to the LHC beams. The thermal management of the system will be provided by evaporative CO2 circulating in micro channels embedded within thin silicon plates. This solution has been selected due to the excellent thermal efficiency, the...