Plenary 3
- Junji Haba (K)
Marcel Demarteau
(Argonne National Laboratory)
5/24/17, 9:00 AM
Photon detection has been a cornerstone in particle physics, enabling many fundamental physics discoveries. Traditional photo-detectors are based on a mature, time-honored technology that has seen incremental improvements over time. Recent years, however, have seen a rapid increase in new developments, either bringing new techniques to bear on traditional methods or implementing...
Liangjian Wen
5/24/17, 9:30 AM
Recent development of detectors for neutrino intrinsic property measurements and neutrino oscillations are reviewed, including low background detectors for searching for the neutrino-less double beta decay, water Cherenkov, liquid Argon TPC, liquid scintillator for neutrino oscillations. Such technologies had significant progresses in the past a few years and further steps are planned for the future.
Kazuhiro Hayama
5/24/17, 10:00 AM
For the detection of gravitational wave, KAGRA, Japanese 3km cryogenic gravitational wave telescope, project started from 2010. KAGRA has two unique feature to achieve the detection and long term stable observation : KAGRA is being constructed in an underground mine. The test mass is cooled down to cryogenic temperature of ~20 Kelvin. In this talk, we will present current status of the KAGRA...