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Jul 24 – 29, 2017
Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Scientific Program

Session 1: Overview/Future 1
Session 2: Overview/Future 2
Session 3: Nucleon Structure 1 
Session 4: Nucleon Structure 2
Session 5: Nucleon and Nuclear Physics 
Session 6: Hadron Spectroscopy
Session 7: Symmetry and Search for New Physics 
Session 8: Instrumentation
Session 9: New facilities and physics program. 

Special Meetings: Tuesday evening, JLab12/SoLID and EIC discussions
                              Friday afternoon, nMRPC detector meeting
                              Friday-Saturday: forum on the calculation of parton distribution

Main Program:

Session 1: July 24, 2017, Monday Morning, Chair: Haiyan Gao
9:00     Welcome (TBD)
9:05     Overview of BESIII: Xiaoyan Shen (IHEP)
9:45     Overview/Future Program at JLab: Jian-ping Chen (JLab, USA)
10:25   Coffee break 
10:45   Overview/Future Program at RHIC: Berndt Mueller (BNL, USA)
11:25   Nuclear and hadron physics project with Shanghai electron and photon beams: Yugang Ma(SINAP)
12:05  Discussion
12:20 Lunch break

Session 2: July 24, 2017, Monday Afternoon, Chair: Jian-Ping Chen
14:00   Strong QCD: Atlas for the standard model and, potentially, beyond:  Craig
 Roberts(Argonne, USA)
14:40   Overview/Future of COMPASS program:  Matthias Grosse Perdekamp (UIUC, USA)
15:20   EIC in US: Zein-Eddine Meziani (Temple, USA)
16:00  Coffee break
16:20  Z-factory : Zhaoxi Zhang (ITP)
17:00  SPHENIX and forward upgrade: Jin Huang (BNL,USA)
17:30  QCD bound states via Dyson-Schwinger equation: Sixue Qin (Chongqing U)
18:00  Discussion
18:20  Adjourn 
18:30  Reception

Session 3: July 25, 2017, Tuesday Morning, Chair: Craig Roberts
9:00   Recent progress on hadron structure from lattice QCD: H. W. Lin (Michigan State, USA)
9:30   Spin Results from JLab: Karl Slifer (New Hampshire, USA)
10:00 Spin Results from RHIC-STAR:  Jinlong Zhang (LBNL, USA)
10:30  Coffee break
10:50  The Strange quark-antiquark asymmetry of the nucleon: Bo-Qiang Ma (PKU)
11:20  Global polarized Lambda in A-A: Zuo-tang Liang (Shandong)
11:50  New angular momentum tensor for nucleon spin structure: Xiangsong Chen (HUST)
12:20 Lunch break

Session 4: July 25, 2017, Tuesday Afternoon, Chair: Zein-Eddine Meziani
14:00  Meson structure with dilepton production: Jen-Chieh Peng (UIUC, USA)
14:30  First transverse spin asymmetries measured in polarized Drell-Yan at COMPASS:  Wen-Chen Chang (Institute of Physics, Taiwan)
15:00  TMD Experiments from COMPASS SIDIS: Takahiro Iwata (Yamagata, Japan)
15:30  TMD Experiments from JLab CLAS12: Bjoern Seitz (Glasgow, UK)
16:00  Coffee break
16:20  Non-perturbative QCD: the last frontier of standard model physics: Xiangdong Ji (SJTU and UMD, USA)  
17:00  Measuring the gluon orbital angular momentum at the electron-ion collider: yong Zhao (UMD and LBNL, USA)
17:30  The pauli form factor of quark and nontrivial topological structure of the QCD: Baiyang Zhang (IMP)
18:00  Discussion
18.20   Adjourn

20:00-22:00  Discussions on Collaboration on JLab 12/SoLID and China EIC

Session 5: July 26, 2017, Wednesday Morning, Chair: Liguang Tang 
9:00    Latest on the Proton Radius Puzzle from PRad: Haiyan Gao (Duke, USA and Duke-Kunshan)
9:30   Highlights and recent development in short range correlation:Axel Schmidt (MIT, USA)
10:00  Search for Muon to electron conversion at J-PARC: Chen Wu(NJU and J-PARK)
10:30  Coffee break
10:50  Penta-quark 5-body calculation: Emiko Hiyama (RIKEN, Japan)
11:20  Hidden-charm meson-baryon molecules with a short-range attraction from five quark states: Yasuhiro Yamaguchi (RIKEN, Japan)
11:50  Remarks on the hidden color components: Jia-Lun Ping (NJNU)
12:20  Lunch break
Session 6: July 26, 2017, Wednesday Afternoon, Chair: Zhaoxi Zhang
14:00  GlueX:  Beni Zihlmann (JLab, USA)
14:30  Review on tetra-quark states frpm experimental results: Chengping Shen (BUAA) 
15:00  Review on multi-quark states from theoretical results: Huaxing Chen (BUAA)
15:30  High strangeness dibaryon search with STAR data: Jinhui Chen(SINAP)
16:00  Coffee break
16:20  Studies on decays of light mesons: Lena Heijkenskjold (Mainz, Germany)
16:50  Hadronic light-by-light scattering and the muon’s (g-2): Igor Danilkin (Mainz, Germany)
17:20  New physics with high intensity low energy proton beam: Zuowei Liu (NJU)
17:50  The principle of maximum conformality and its application to the high energy physics process: Sheng-quan Wang (Chongqing U.)
18:20  Adjourn
18:30  Banquet
Session 7:  July 27, 2017, Thursday Morning, Chair: Lena Heijkenskjold
9:00   Unified field theory in hyper spacetime:Yueliang Wu (ITP)
9:40   The first results of Dark Matter Particle Explorer: Jin Chang (PMO)
10:10  Dark matter at Jinping underground lab-PandaX: Changbo Fu (SJTU)
10:40  Coffee Break
10:55  Overview on Dark Matter: Yufeng Zhou (ITP) 
11:25  Quark and glue components of proton spin: Keh-Fei Liu (Kentucky State, USA)
11:55  PVDIS at JLab: Xiaochao Zheng (Virginia, USA) 
12:25  Lunch break

Session 8: July 27, 2017, Thursday Afternoon, Chair: Nu Xu
14:00  MRPC R&D: Yi Wang (Tsinghua)
14:30  MRPC readout R&D : Lei Zhao (USTC)
15:00  GEM R&D at USTC : Wenhao You (USTC) 
15:30  MPGD Detectors and Electonics at CIAE : Xinglong Li (CIAE)
16:00  Coffee break
16:20  GEM R&D at Lanzhou: Huiyin Wu (Lanzhou) 
16:50  ECal: Jianbin Jiao (Shandong)
17:20  Ecal R&D at THU: Chendi Shen (Tsinghua)
17:50  Adjourn

Session 9: July 28, 2017, Friday Morning, Chair: Fan Wang
9:00    Future particle and nuclear physics facilities in China: Yifang Wang (IHEP)
9:30    Overview/Future Program in J-PARC  Shinya Sawada (KEK, Japan)
10:00  CEE project for medium-high energy nuclear physics: Nu Xu (LBNL, USA and CCNU)
10:30  Coffee break
10:50  Polarized experiments with medium energy hadron beam: Yi Zhang (Lanzhou) 
11:20  Nanjing Plan for high intensity proton beam: An Sun (NJU)
11:50  Concluding Remarks: Jian-ping Chen (JLab)
12:20  End of the regular program of the workshop

July 28, 2017, Friday Afternoon
Session I: mini-workshop Third Metting on nMRPC detector R&D (14:00-18:10)
14:00  Welcome: J.P. Chen (JLab)
14:05  "Status of nMRPC R&D at BNL": Mickey Chiu (BNL)
14:50  "Front-end electronics and chips": Isar Mostfanezhad (Nalu, Hawaii)
15:10  "Readout electronics for nMRPC": Alexandre Camsonne (JLab)
15:40  Tea Break
16:00  "Status of nMRPC R&D at UIUC": Matthias Perdekamp (UIUC)
16:30  "nMRPC R&D at THU": Yi Wang (THU)
17:00  "FAST electronics": Lei Zhao (USTC)
17:30  Disscussion: Future Plan: All
18:00  Closing Remarks: Nu Xu (CCNU/LBNL)

July 28 afternoon 14.00-18.00
Session II: After workshop forum on the calculation of parton distribution (14:00-18:00)
14:00  Pion parton distribution amplitude based on BS-DS equation: Craig Roberts (ANL)
15:00  Parton distribution calculation based on large momentum effective field theory: Xiang-Dong Ji (SJTU and UMD, USA)
16:00  Coffee Break
16:20  Matching issue in quasi parton distribution approach: Yan-Qing Ma
17:20  Discussion
18:00  Adjorn

 July 29 morning 9.00-12.00
Session II: After workshop forum on the calculation of parton distribution (14:00-18:00)
09:00  Parton distribution with non-perturbative renormalization from lattice QCD: Yong Zhao (UMD and LBNL, USA)
10:00  Lattice QCD calculation of gluon spin in nucleus: Keh-Fei Liu (Kentucky State, USA)
11:00  Plotting pion’s light front wave function: Lei Chang (Nankai University)

Speakers: C.D. Roberts(ANL), K.F. Liu(Kentucky), H.W. Lin(Michigen),
 X.D. Ji  (SJTU and UMD),  Yong Zhao (UMD and LBNL), Y.Q. Ma (PKU), Lei Chang (Nankai)