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17 May 2017
1st floor Bella Center, AC Hotel Bella Sky Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

IOC members

International Organizing Committee (IOC)

Name Institution
John Barnard LLNL, USA
Winfried Barth GSI, Germany
Hakan Danared ESS, Sweden
Jean Delayen ODU, USA
John L. Erickson LANL, USA
Alberto Facco FRIB/INFN, USA/Italy
Roland Garoby ESS, Sweden
Terence Garvey PSI, Switzerland
Kazuo Hasegawa JAEA, Japan
Hitoshi Hayano KEK, Japan
Yoshihisa Iwashita Kyoto U., Japan
Kevin W. Jones SNS, USA
Dinakar Kanjilal IUAC, India
Andrei Kolomiets ITEP, Russia
Leonid Kravchuk INR, Russia
Dan Berkovits Soreq, Israel
Peter McIntosh STFC, UK
Robert E. Laxdal Triumf, Canada
Alban Mosnier CEA, France
Heung-Sik Kang PAL, Korea
Peter Ostroumov ANL/FRIB, USA
Guoxi Pei IHEP, China
Paolo Pierini INFN, Italy
Fulvia Pilat JLAB, USA
Milorad Popovic FNAL, USA
Deepak Raparia BNL, USA
Ulrich Ratzinger U. Frankfurt, Germany
Stanley Schriber Retired, Idaho, USA
John Seeman SLAC, USA
Alessandro Variola LAL, France
Maurizio Vretenar CERN
Hans Weise DESY, Germany
Marion White ANL, USA
Yoshishige Yamazaki FRIB, USA