Simulation and Physics Group Meeting


Minutes for Simulation and Physics Group Meeting (10 Apr.)


1. Zhao Hang reported the Progress on Calo-Optimization

2. Fenfen reported the updates on Tracking + vertex optimization

3. Bingeing reported the status of MC Production
People suggested to list the details about these samples on next time, containing version, computer resource, etc.
And it is better to first generate some small statistic samples for validation. After all the setting is correctly prepared, a sample with larger statistics can be generated.

4. Fenfen gave a report about “Study of dE/dx Performance in TPC at CEPC”
This report will be shown on Wuhan conference.
On slide 11, the right side plot needs to be checked.
On slide 17, the number of 70% needs to be used carefully, because the number has no related reference.

5. Peizhu reported the Solid Angle Coverage Study, mainly on collecting efficiency.
For the plots showing the relation between particle collecting efficiency and cos\theta, the usual test region for cos\theta is always 0.99-0.995.
Manqi suggested to test some higgs benchmark channel, like ZH to 4jets, classifying the signal into full detector coverage and part detector coverage, same as background, and then see how the efficiency changed based on cos\theta. This can make the results more conclusive.

6. Zhenwei gave a update on H to mumu
More discussion offline.


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