Simulation and Physics Group Meeting
Monday, August 28, 2017 from 15:00 to 20:00 (Asia/Shanghai)
1. Study of double Higgs production at 100 TeV by Filippis Nicola
Filippis give a talk about the double higgs production study at 100 TeV. He first give an overview on theoretical prediction and current research status on LHC and FCC. For the Italian group, they mainly make contribution on HH->WWbb or ZZbb analysis, and use Delphes to simulate the pile-up environment and detector performance. They first simulated the energy resolution of ECAL and HCAL, the tracking efficiency of different quark jets and the Z0 resolution. They also got the preliminary results on ZZbb and WWbb. For ZZbb, which considers different PU environment simulated by Delphes. At last, he summarize that they will continue using Delphes to simulate the background and optimize the reconstruction of objects, and prepare to add the analysis into CDR.
P3, update the theoretical uncertainty in the table.
P9, The quark jet efficiency is difficult for CEPC current hardware to achieve. We should refer to this method to improve the performance of CEPC detector.
2. Muon systems and uRwell technology by Paolo Giacomelli
Paolo introduces the Muon detector design on general HEP experiment, especially on FCC-ee and CEPC. Then he mainly focus on the mu-RWell technology, which provide an evolution of GEM technology.
3. Jet energy scale & jet energy resolution at CEPC by Peizhu Lai
Peizhu gives the report for JES and JER in CEPC. He compares the JES and JER with or without dR<0.1. As the results, with dR cut, JER can be improved about 1% and JES is stable. Then, JER/JES are stable as the function of angular direction and are dependent with jet energy distribution, the uncertainty is about 3~8%.
People suggest to use different jet algorithm to test the JES/JER performance.
4. Global Calibration for PFA by Bo Liu
For the calibration, we can fit the boson mass distribution with Breit-wigner convolved with Gaussian distribution. The fit parameter can reflect the detector effect. Bo compares the fit result between analytic BW shape and MC truth based BW shape, also test the fit performance on different flavor decay channels. As the conclusion, people suggest to use MC truth based shape and try to narrow the Mjj fit region to improve the results. Also it is useful to crosscheck with JES/JER study by Peizhu.
Because of the time limit, "WW fusion measurement" and "ee->ZH->vvlvlv" are postponed to next time.